Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Omchak - Ust Omchug - Madaun driveable? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/omchak-ust-omchug-madaun-driveable-91729)

eurasiaoverland 14 May 2017 13:30

Omchak - Ust Omchug - Madaun driveable?
Hi All

I'm driving (4x4) to Magadan this autumn (will be there around the last week of September or first week of October).

I'm not really interested in the Old Summer Road, but I do see an alternative to the P504 (M56) which starts near Neksikan, and takes a more direct route than the P504 through Omchak, Ust Omchyg (mis-spelled to avoid the stupid chug emoticon... yes there it is) and Madaun, rejoining the main highway near Palatka.

Google Maps won't connect the places (not that this means much) but from the imaging it looks doable; there are bridges on the river crossings and photos show what looks to be good, newly-graded gravel connecting mining towns.

I don't however recall hearing anyone driving this road and posting about it here; a search turns up nothing recent...

So, is this a viable alternative to sticking to the P504 or am I missing something?



Bartosz 14 May 2017 21:03

On my paper maps this road starts in Bolszewik through Omcak, Ust-Omcak, Madan till Palatka. About 473 km and looks like road in quite good condisions (in Russian way). On maps all distance looks better than BAM road.

bubbla 14 May 2017 22:41

Search for Tenkinskaya Trakt (or Trassa).
Scenic road, should be doable for your car.

eurasiaoverland 16 May 2017 17:37


Originally Posted by Bartosz (Post 563436)
On my paper maps this road starts in Bolszewik through Omcak, Ust-Omcak, Madan till Palatka. About 473 km and looks like road in quite good condisions (in Russian way). On maps all distance looks better than BAM road.

Yep, I've seen it on maps, but the reality can always be very different!


Originally Posted by bubbla (Post 563441)
Search for Tenkinskaya Trakt (or Trassa).
Scenic road, should be doable for your car.

Great, thanks. Didn't know that name. Looks like it is indeed a decent road. Will try it in this autumn!


gohome 7 Apr 2019 18:24

Eurasiaoverland: did You pass the Omchak Road ? Any news ?

Bartosz: could You tell which paper map do You have and where to get it ? I search for a good map of Magadanska Oblast', and also mountains there, but no luck for now. I'll keep tryin'.

Thank You, Boys.

eurasiaoverland 7 Apr 2019 18:54


Originally Posted by gohome (Post 598533)
Eurasiaoverland: did You pass the Omchak Road ? Any news ?

Bartosz: could You tell which paper map do You have and where to get it ? I search for a good map of Magadanska Oblast', and also mountains there, but no luck for now. I'll keep tryin'.

Thank You, Boys.

I certainly did; highly recommended having now driven both the Tenkin Track and the main R504. I drove it in October 2017, heavy snow in places but road was good, no hold ups, all bridges good. Towns are very basic and fuel expensive.


We visited Butugychag Gulag (a side trip), but unfortunately the river had started to freeze but not enough to drive over so we only got a distant view of the mines.

Let me know if you need any more info on the region.


Bartosz 7 Apr 2019 22:10


Originally Posted by gohome (Post 598533)
Eurasiaoverland: did You pass the Omchak Road ? Any news ?

Bartosz: could You tell which paper map do You have and where to get it ? I search for a good map of Magadanska Oblast', and also mountains there, but no luck for now. I'll keep tryin'.

Thank You, Boys.

This is "Atlas Abtomobilnyie Dorogi Rossia i sopredelnyje gusudarstwa" by FGYL "Omskaja Kartograficieskaja Fabrika"
All is in russian so if you don't speak it could be difficulty.
This is a big green book, I think you can buy this in better gas stations and defenetly in books shops (especially in Russia).

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