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sathyashrayan 5 Feb 2016 19:24

Possibility for transporting motorcycle to afghanistan / Iran for trans siberian over
Hello Travelers,

I am an Indian passport holder. I am planning to travel through trans Siberian highway with my motorcycle. My plan is either reach iran from mundra port to chabahar port, Iran along with my motorcycle (hitchhiking) and proceed to north by crossing afgan. Or Air cargo my motorcycle to kabul and proceed from there. Crossing pakistan through waha border - torkham , pakistan is ruled out due to Visa issues. China - India dont have road entries and its a hell a lot of process to drive in china.

I have mailed some air cargo flights and ocean freight for a quote but no one replied yet. I really don’t know about the cost of both ways so that I need to decide on my travel and budget. I know chabahar port, Iran is free trading zone and I am kind of sure that the Ocean fright in chabahar port might be less but not sure.

Any help would be appreciated for me to plan the budget. I am planning for the year 2018-jun-aug.

eurasiaoverland 5 Feb 2016 20:59

I doubt air cargo into Afghanistan is a cheap or easy option. Do you specifically want to travel there? Afghanistan is not the easiest or safest of countries to travel in, though it can be done.

Neither Iran nor Afghanistan border Russia, so it's not clear what you're intended route is. From Iran you can get to Russia most easily through Azerbaijan, though you will need to check what the visa requirements are for Indian nationals in Azerbaijan.

If you want to enter Afghanistan from Iran, your only destination can be Herat and the border with Turkmenistan. Other routes are definitely not secure. From Turkmenistan you will need to go through Kazakhstan and probably Uzbekistan too (not technically necessary, but highly recommended) to get to Russia.

Taking a vehicle into Afghanistan technically requires a 'Route Pass', but I managed to talk my way in three times with my truck without one. Herat is really worth seeing, but from a purely logistical point of view, entering Afghanistan has little advantage, as you will still need to transit Turkmenistan, something which is becoming increasingly difficult.

If you managed to fly the bike to Kabul, you could drive straight into Uzbekistan, or possibly Tajikistan if you're willing to take the risk of transiting through Kunduz (NOT recommended).

Otherwise, I recommend crossing Azerbaijan into Russia. This border was long closed to foreigners, but has been open since 2014. I crossed it last year.

Let me know if you need any specific help, I've driven over most of the borders in this region.


sathyashrayan 6 Feb 2016 04:31

Hi EurasiaOverland,

Thanks for your reply. India is landlocked. And there is no possible exit through land. That is the reason for me to plan it as early as possible. The blog of summer-ride.com who tried up to far east russia (chukotka) has inspired me a lot. The baby planning stage of RTW is to reach the trans Siberian roads as a first part.

I have analysed the ticket cost of kamair,safiairways,flyariana. Delhi to kabul (mazar for safiairways) is 12,000 INR (176 USD) one way. Its 20% of my monthly salary. But I am unable to get an Idea for air cargo cost with them.

I have contacted some tour operators in peshawar region of pakistan. But no one have replied because of the complicated visa for Indian nationals. Not only that but I am little un-safe to imagine of crossing the torkham , pakistan.

Driving in afgan needs a special permission (called pesa?) because of motorcycle has become a easy target for terrorist. I saw the story of pamir motorcycle company, Zarang Motorcycle where their staff are targeted for motocycle.

Being a brown skin I really dont think I have any issues in afgan except in kunduz. Those foreign mujahideen in afgan might target europeans and americans to get some $$ but we literally have no money with us. If they are high tech then they might target me for a eye transplant or kidney transplant.. LOL If Kunduz is a issue then I might try going around through wkhan. Yes special permission needed again. I know that too.

I am a hindu but I have several Muslim friends around me. I simply talk to them and get some knowledge about hard-core religious Ideologies. It could help me when I might be in a trouble situations.

I have also heard that there are lot of Indian nationals are working in afghan for the country’s development. So my conclusion is , as a Indian I will be much welcomed among the common man in Afghanistan.. :)

Let the politicians fight and go to hell. We travelers travel and reach heaven.. :)

This initial stage of planning is for 2018. So let me except that the things will get changed from now.

eurasiaoverland 6 Feb 2016 18:24

You still haven't said whether you specifically want to visit Afghanistan, or if you are just looking for the nearest / cheapest place to air freight the bike to...

I cannot help with air freight, but the nearest airport might not necessarily be the cheapest. Maybe Tashkent / Almaty / Tehran are better options.

As an Indian I think you have to forget about travelling across Pakistan. Besides this, the Torkham border crossing is closed to outsiders, and getting caught there as an Indian citizen would be a major incident.

Driving in Afghanistan requires a Route Pass, as per my first reply.

To get to the Wakhan by land requires going through Kunduz and Faizabad, so it is even more dangerous than crossing into Tajikistan. Driving to Uzbekistan from Kabul, or to Turkmenistan from Herat, are your only realistic options in my opinion.

Yes, there are lots of Indian nationals in Afghanistan doing various things, not sure they are universally welcome however. Indian diplomatic missions are frequently targeted.

sathyashrayan 7 Feb 2016 04:50

>I cannot help with air freight, but the nearest airport might not necessarily be the cheapest. Maybe Tashkent / Almaty / Tehran are better options.

Yes EurasiaOverland. I will surly take your advice and avoid afgan. Let me wait if anyone have to say anything about mundra port to chabahar port, Iran.

In the meantime I will look into the actual shipment thread (Shipments by Travellers | Horizons Unlimited ) for getting into central asian countries.

WesleyDRZ400 7 Feb 2016 11:25

I would take EO advice, however back in 2013 a New Zealand guy crossed into afghan wakhan from Tajik Pamir ishkashim border crossing in 2013 on a ural motorbike only planning to spend a few days/week there but they closed the border when he returned so instead of waiting around he rode his ural motorbike from wakhan to Kabul and caught a flight home from there

Uralistan: Bishkek to Kabul | Adventure Rider

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