Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Russian visa in Tokyo (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/russian-visa-in-tokyo-48811)

dnicoletti 3 Mar 2010 14:27

Russian visa in Tokyo
Hi there,
does anybody got a russian visa in tokyo before? expected time? any advice or suggestions about what to do?
thanx in advance


Tony P 3 Mar 2010 16:31

Did you not find what you want on the website of Russian Embassy,Tokyo ?

A Google search of those last 3 words, top of the list -
Russian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan

Chris of Japan 4 Mar 2010 02:18

Actually, the site Tony references to is "a non-government site" (says so at the bottom of the page).
The English page for the Tokyo embassy for Russia is currently being updated.
Japanese says 2 weeks. I recommend you telephone and ask. Russian embassies recently have been requiring you to apply in your home country.
Phone: +81 3 3583-4224 / +81 3 3583-5982 (03-3583-4224 / 03-3583-5982 in Japan)
You need a letter of invitation (LOI) in any case.

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