Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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spakur 5 Jun 2008 22:25

Safe parking in UB?

Two weeks to departure now and still lots of things to do :-)

Anyway - I'm on my way to mongolia from Sweden and was wondering where to park my van for a month in UB while I ride around the country on my bike? I'll probably do a couple of loops from UB to the countryside returning every 7-10 days for a night or two, so a guesthouse/hotel would probably do...but which one you think would let me park my van there for a month?

MotoEdde 5 Jun 2008 23:52

You could ask Rene at Oasis and he might let you...

..:: OASiS ::..

Contact he or Sybil by email...

scottw 6 Jun 2008 01:26

There are guarded commercial car parks around UB and you can leave vehicles in them for weeks or months for not too much money. Most neighborhoods have them since Mongolian apartments don't have secure parking. They are reasonably secure and I've never heard of anyone having anything stolen from one of those car parks, but just to be sure you should take anything particularly expensive/portable out of the van before you leave it there.

Your guesthouse should be able to point you to one.


spakur 7 Jun 2008 18:36

Thanks for the tips.

I'll try the guesthouse first to see if they can help me out. If not i'll use the guarded parkings.

2 weeks left to departure and plenty of thing still to do :-)


spakur 10 Jun 2008 17:36

I got in contact with the Oasis and sure i can park the car there for a fee of 5€ a day.

tmotten 10 Jun 2008 22:40

We stayed in the Chingis Guest House just around the corner from the Irish where there is one of those undercover car parks that soneone mentioned. We did some work on the bikes there as well.

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