Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Spain to Japan (in Mongolia already) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/spain-to-japan-mongolia-already-82103)

davidrn81 26 May 2015 14:09

Spain to Japan (in Mongolia already)
Hi, I just heard about this site during the trip. I'm riding with my cousin, 2 yamaha xt660z, from Spain to Japan, we are in Mongolia, close to Ulanbataar.
Any rider close to share some beers?
We plan to cross to Japan by Whakkaki ferry, I read in a post that custom is asking for carnet de passage now, it is not problem for us coz we have it, I'll try to give news about that.
About the end of the trip we thought about selling our bikes in Japan, anyone did it before? is it a problem for custom taxes or something like that?
We guessed that could be a problem so we may need to ship them.

klaus 28 May 2015 00:41


welcome to the HUBB.

Concerning selling your bikes in Japan, Chris is again the man to ask!

You might also want to check in with the gaijin riders site

Gaijinriders. Get with Anthony "Fastbike" Hardy. He is another highly qualified person concerning bikes / bike matters in Japan.

Enjoy your ride,


Chris of Japan 28 May 2015 09:39

The problem with selling your bike in Japan is...
1. You will lose the deposit you paid your carnet.
2. As far as I know, there is no procedure to transfer from temporary to permanent import except if the vehicle is inoperable and scrapped.
3. Registering a vehicle imported personally (as opposed to from a dealer) is very complicated and expensive. Not many people are willing to do it.
4. After Mongolia, your bike is most likely very beat up, so you won't get a good price anyways!

But, you are welcome to try. Maybe you will find a way that I have not ever heard of!

Blommetje 30 May 2015 04:40

Hey! Did we meet in Ulaangom (I'm the cyclist )? If so, good to see you here!

Enjoying mongolia so far?

sushi2831 30 May 2015 11:58

Hello David

The whole idea of the CDP is that you promise to take the bike out of the country that you took it in.
If you mess with the CDP bad things may happen!
Not only to you but als well to your offspring up to 7 generations.
It's not only the deposit that is lost, also any of the countries where you have used the CDP, might ask for money if they messed up and the best way to avoid this is clear the CDP by the issuer by showing them the returned bike.

Easiest, ship the bikes home.


Originally Posted by Chris of Japan (Post 506447)
4. After Mongolia, your bike is most likely very beat up, so you won't get a good price anyways!

Well, all Mongolia can do to a XT660Z is a reason to wash it afterwards.


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