Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Northern and Central Asia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/)
-   -   Three Aussies - Vladivostok to London - Starting May 2015 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/three-aussies-vladivostok-london-starting-81814)

Onwards Upwards 8 May 2015 02:52

Three Aussies - Vladivostok to London - Starting May 2015
Hey everyone,

I've been a long time reader, but this is my first post.

Myself, Zane and Alex will be flying to Vladivostok in 10 days and plan to ride our KLR 650s from Vladivostok to London through Siberia, Mongolia, the Stans, Iran, the Caucases, Turkey and Europe. Our bikes are on the ship at the moment and we have just received all of our visas. It's also my last day of work :)

You can follow our journey on our website and facebook pages below.

Onwards Upwards


We would love to hear about places to see, routes, recommendations, tips etc.. We would also like to meet up with other travellers and locals. Feel free to get in touch with us :)


navalarchitect 8 May 2015 04:45

Congratulations - that last day always feels fantastic - that trip is finally becoming a reality.

I did the same trip nearly 4 years ago and it was one of the best times of my life.

Quick bits of info (that you possibly already know if you've scoured the HUBB):
- Customs clearance in Vladivostok can be slow - mine took 4 days, some have taken longer, some shorter. It all depends on the volume of traffic they are handling at the time. Anyway be prepared for it and don't stress!
- Using Yuri the customs agent there that most people seem to use is well worth it. He charges reasonably, helps organise your insurance and generally sets you up nice and easily (if you don't have his details either search this site or PM me and I'll dig it out).
- If you are in Vladivostok for a few days take the opportunity to stay with one of the motorcycle clubs (Iron Tigers). Hospitality is wonderful. Yuri can arrange the initial contact.

Enjoy the trip. I'll be thinking of you enviously as i drive a desk saving for my next trip.

Onwards Upwards 8 May 2015 07:25

Thanks for the tips Martin. I'll have to have a read through your blog!

We've allowed for 5 days or so in customs - if the delay gets longer it just means longer days on the road to get to Mongolia.

That's funny, we've had Yuri booked in for a while now. Didn't know he was the guru though.

kiwicruiser 8 May 2015 17:00

Well, we're going the other way and, while I'm a Kiwi, my wife is a genuine Aussie. We're in Armenia at the moment and at some point we may well cross paths and can probably give you some up to date info from this side. Our blog is Slow Camper and if you want to get in touch feel free to do so. We're not bikers but we've got an NSW registered Land Cruiser.

robtho 10 May 2015 10:26

Hope we see you along the way
We're also three Colonials, two Aussies and a Kiwi leaving Japan to Sakhalin June 25th then across to Lake Baikal and then to Mongolia etc. Hope we get to see you along the way we're on DRZ400S x 2 and BMW F650GS x 1. :mchappy::mchappy::mchappy:

Ken and Carol 10 May 2015 16:23

Two Aussies Vladivostok to London

Looks like we could have an Aussie/NZ party somewhere along the way!! We are leaving Busan (Korea) on Tuesday for Fukuoka (Japan) and catch the Vladivostok ferry on the 6th June arriving on the 8th. Another couple NZ/Aussie will be on the ferry Tuesday with us but will leave from Japan via Sakhalin to Russia.

Our route will also be to Lake Baikal, Mongolia and maybe a loop through Kazakhstan. We should enter Estonia sometime in September and will make our way to Milan for the Motorcycle Show in early November then onto the UK.

We are 2up on a BMW R80 G/S, Billy and Trish are riding an R80 G/S and a Kawasaki 250.

Our Facebook Page is: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Life-...91982764336402

Hopefully we will meet somewhere along the way.

Carol & Ken Duval

Mac-1769 10 May 2015 17:39

prevent Todd
Hello from Kyrgyzstan. I hope you will come through and have a chance to stop. I have two KLR 650 and some parts and plenty of tools if you need something. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. Hope all goes well and you all enjoy your very exciting trip.

Wildman 10 May 2015 20:59

Two Brits, Modman and myself, heading south from Irkutsk 11 July riding through Mongolia, Altai, Kazakhstan and maybe more into Bishkek. Maybe catch some of you guys on the road.

Chinggis 11 May 2015 04:43

I'll be following your progress with great interest! Can't wait to see some updates.

amzahsulaiman 12 May 2015 01:49

Hello there,
Me with a group from Malaysia will be riding into Russia sometimes in Aug 2015 and onward into Europe with final destination the UK. Hope our paths will cross or merge along the route. Please let me know if there is anything we can help since my group will also be supported. I think it is easy to recognise us. Safe ride.

mika 12 May 2015 18:31

I should be riding into Vladivostok in the last days of May, if things go as planed. On 05.06. I will head for China, so I will miss my friends Billy and Trish, but maybe i will meet you guys ... greetings from Ufa (maybe 1500km east of Moscow) paca mikabierjeigerjeigerjeiger

Onwards Upwards 14 May 2015 11:55

Wow, looks like there are a fair few of us going to be around the same areas at the same time - I hope we cross paths!

We are planning on leaving Vladivostok on the 24th May, heading towards Ulaan Baatar.

I'll keep an eye on your fb pages and blogs etc to see where you all are.

Safe riding,


motarddumonde 25 May 2015 15:31


I'm going on exactly the reverse road : Europe to Turkey, Stans, Mongolia and Vladivostok...

Maybe we'll cross roads somewhere


MuzToo 1 Jul 2015 15:58

Same from me. If you need anything, let us know.

trackdayrider 1 Jul 2015 16:33

I'm not from down under but heading towards it. . Melbourne by Christmas.

Tbilisi at the moment waiting for my Azerbaijan visa to start then onto baku and across Kazakhstan to Russia and Vladivostock by the end of august

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 01:31.
