Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Tires ans chain replacement in Samara or Tcheliabinsk (southern Russia) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/tires-ans-chain-replacement-samara-88352)

Jil 18 Jul 2016 11:38

Tires ans chain replacement in Samara or Tcheliabinsk (southern Russia)
Hello all

I'm currently in Kiev in Ukraine, on my way to Kirghizstan, I plan to go trough south Russia until Tcheliabinsk, then enter Kazakhstan.
I think my chain and rear tyre will need a change in 5000 km.
Can I wait to change them as it will be possible in southern Russia (Tcheliabinsk ?) or Kazakhstan, or do you think it's better to do it know in Kiev ? My bike is a Honda NC700X.

Thanks !


PS : by the way my front tyre is in really good shape,, but it's a sport-touring Bridgestone BT-023. Do you think it can survive to kazakhes and kirghizes roads ?

mika 18 Jul 2016 12:07

Last year I rode through Tschelabinsk (or Chelabinsk as I would spell it). Met the local bike club, they have a club house on the main road coming into town from the west (on the right hand side). Dont know if they have tires for you, but do an internet search and maybe send them an email. You will find tires in Bishkek and maybe in Almaty. If you buy in Kiev and carry a rear and sproket set, than you dont have to look around and just put them on when its needed. Just my two cents worth ... greetings mika

ilpo 18 Jul 2016 20:32

Few weeks back I got my tires delivered to Barnaul by Dean: MOTOREZINA.RU - свежая моторезина по разумным ценам. motokolesa, мотоколеса, моторезина, резина для мотоциклов. Also active in here by the name of 'DEAN Rus'.

Worth to check if he can help you by delivering tires to some city on your route ;)

Jil 20 Jul 2016 21:25

I've contacted Dean, very helpful and quick to answer, he's sending my tires (Shinko E705) and reinforced chain in Cheliabinsk.

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