Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Total loss in Novosibirsk, Russia ? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/total-loss-in-novosibirsk-russia-77690)

LLosch 8 Aug 2014 11:30

Total loss in Novosibirsk, Russia ?
Hi all,
my Honda Africa Twin is in Novosibirsk. Engine apart.

I have the following options:
1. Ship the parts to Novosibirsk which is very expensive (if anyone would take a bearing, oil-seal and gasket set for me - that would be great)
Which would still leave the question of how to get it back to Germany ... but thats another story.
(By the way - the workshop it is in is superb ! The boss rides a Goldwing and is an experienced mechanic)

2. or make it a toal loss.
Any ideas on who I can ask how/what the russian customs will charge me ?
In October the 3 months from my Visa are done and they will contact me for import-customs.
As of now its just pieces of metal.
Please keep in mind that I am about 6000km away from the bike and cant "just go there" to do something.

You can reach me by llosch9261@gmail.com or by whattsapp at +49 172 7171007

Regards, Axel

mark manley 8 Aug 2014 12:02

Is there any possibility of somebody packing it up and shipping it back to Germany, perhaps by train?

LLosch 8 Aug 2014 12:32

The engine is in pieces and the only (unacceptable) offer I have so far from Novosibirsk to Germany is 2850 €

niquedouille 9 Aug 2014 14:05

1400€ from ulaan baatar to germany by plane. You will find something cheaper.
maybe trans siberian, then on a truck from moscow ?

What is wrong with your africa ?

klausmong1 9 Aug 2014 22:22

I know there is an Africa Twin Club in Rusia.
I met a guy from Krasnojarsk, who was in this Forum.

maybe someone has contact details, I think this would also help for parts.

klaus 11 Aug 2014 01:25

Russia AT club
Klaus, thanks and I just googled this one here:

Russia - Africa Twin Club - Links

Maybe it helps "LLosch"?? At least it should be worth a try. "Probieren geht ueber ..." oder wie war das noch??

Gruesse aus Japan!

nigel_tailyour 11 Aug 2014 17:21

came across Stoppie workshop in Novosibirsk.

Stoppie here: (54.979941 N, 83.008744 )

Bolshevik ulitsa 274 k5


Tel 8-913-777-54-77


Zimi 19 Aug 2014 11:15

Hi Axel! Wanted to know what you finally did with your Bike in Russia.

I am very interested about your case because I had an offer from a guy that wanted to buy my ktm 640. He could get a paper from the polce saying that the bike was unreparable and left there.

At the end I didn't dare trying, because everybody told me that I may have problems when I go back to russia, but if it works, next time I will do it this way.

So update us when you have some news

nigel_tailyour 19 Aug 2014 22:13

Klaus, did you ask Stoppie to rebuild it? He has good workshop and uses google translate from German to Russian.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Zimi 2 Dec 2014 09:11

So what happened with the Africa Twin? Could you leave it in Russia?

Please tell us. It's important that we know how can we manage with the customs if a bike stays in Russia.

colebatch 9 Dec 2014 08:36

Seen this movie 100 times before
This is one of those frustrating times in the life of a bulletin board when a new user comes on trying to tap the wisdom of everyone else on the board in a big hurry, but is in no hurry or cant be bothered to share the wisdom he himself has got from the process, with the same board members who were tapped up for information in the first place.

This is when the board stops looking like a place for people to share information, and starts to resemble a free online adventure motorcycling help desk, staffed by the senior users.

klausmong1 9 Dec 2014 15:06

The driver went with a TV Team and a mechanic team with a trailer .

The trailer with the mechanics turned around after a flat tyre on the trailer.

Sad that he did not see the best parts ( Altai and Mongolia in my thinking )

here a link to the movie in the TV Station..

But its german.

SWR Mediathek - MENSCH LEUTE - Easy-Rider im Härtetest

Walkabout 9 Dec 2014 16:07


Originally Posted by colebatch (Post 488240)
This is one of those frustrating times in the life of a bulletin board

I don't sweat this aspect nowadays: it's a feature of modern life which pervades everywhere; the HUBB is not immune.
It's just another manifestation of the "instant gratification" culture don't you think?


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 488269)
The driver went with a TV Team and a mechanic team with a trailer

That must have been a really collectable AT, in all senses of the word.
Quite an adventure nevertheless :innocent:

Walkabout 9 Dec 2014 16:09


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 488269)
The driver went with a TV Team and a mechanic team with a trailer .

The trailer with the mechanics turned around after a flat tyre on the trailer.

Sad that he did not see the best parts ( Altai and Mongolia in my thinking )

here a link to the movie in the TV Station..

But its german.

SWR Mediathek - MENSCH LEUTE - Easy-Rider im Härtetest

Actually, thanks for providing some closure to another previously open thread.

Edit: there again, I skipped through the video to find an ending and have no idea what is going on there!!

klausmong1 10 Dec 2014 06:08

They started as a group of about 10-12 persons ( They met the rest in a forum ore something )

They split up really early because of some difficulties ( and I think to go with a big group like this you have to know each other for a long time )

Somewhere in Omsk it started with loss of Oil in the gearcase, which endet up in Novosibirsk as a broken bearing.

Just the Repair shop in Novosibirsk could not get spareparts:oops2:

So he took a plane to UB to meet up with the rest.

The bike must be back in Germany again because he sells it there.

I feel sorry for him that he could not see Mongolia from the best side and hope for him, that he does that one day again.

The Road to Novosibirsk is kind of a Russian highway, if you drive this the first time it is quite impressing, but it is nothing compare to the Altai and Mongolia.

I was just wondering why a Trailer with the mechanics turns around because of a flat tire.
And why the Mechanic in Novosibirsk did not get the right bearing.

I think, if Russians can handle something on the road, than it is fixing tires and find bearings...

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