Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Transportation of the motorbike from Mongolia to Europe TRIP START THE 09 JULY !!! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/transportation-motorbike-mongolia-europe-trip-57891)

lemar 26 Jun 2011 11:19

Transportation of the motorbike from Mongolia to Europe TRIP START THE 09 JULY !!!
Hello eveybody,

My trip is planned and I'm leaving for Mongolia on the 9 July.
But I've no solution to send back my motorcycle from Oulan bator (or other) to Europe ?
Please can you help me, if I've to turn back by land I'll maybe never reach Mongolia 'caus I've to turn back at work the 22 august.
If I can join other bike turning back by plane between the 15 and the 19 august I will be fantastic and cheaper.
Or if you can send me the direction of good transporter.

Thank you.

motoreiter 26 Jun 2011 12:40

dont know about ulan baator, but surely you could just go back to irkustk and put it on a train/truck there?

lemar 26 Jun 2011 21:08

I don't think it's so easy, because I don't speak Russian and I can enter in russia only 2 times with my visa. So this solution is impossible, I've send 4 mails to differents transporters but no answer for the moment.
If you have others solution... I've only 2 weeks before the start of the trip ...
There's a lot of people on this way, maybe someone can tell me how the will do and how much they will pay, or maybe we can send our bikes together.

Lee @ Interpreter Live 27 Jun 2011 09:07

I have shipped back from U-B before (2010) and the service from them was really good - extremely helpful indeed and cheaper than all other quotes.


Contact a very friendly and helpful lady called Mrs Baigalmaa

Export manager
Nippon Center bldg,
Bayangol district 4-r khoroo,
Narnii Zam Street 461-1
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Phone : +976 70131305
+976 70131308
+976 70131309
+976 70131310
Fax: +976 70131306
Mobile : 976 - 99900212
E-mail :baigalmaa {<at>} landbridge [<DOT>] mn
Skype: landbridge_b
Yahoo ID: baigalaa_lu {<at>} yahoo [<DOT>] com

Ландбридж - Улс хоорондын тээвэр зууч

hope that helps and good luck!

lemar 28 Jun 2011 19:39

Hi Lee, thank you.
Your answer is really helpful 'caus I'm in contact with them and it's true that they are really cheaper than the others and I was thinking if they are good people but I see that it's ok.
Just one question, did you send by boat or airplane ?
How long did it take to receive your bike ?

Thank you.

geordy paul 11 Jul 2011 10:49

ub to europe
hi, we have just done exactly this.
we arranged it prior to departure from the uk. and it was very easy.
the people you need are, pan europa. contact andreas koeneg.
their agent in UB is landbridge.
then sibylle at the oasis guest house in UB who will arrange the building of your crate.(if you stay there)
all in it cost us 900euro. 700 for the shipping and 200 for the crate.
in all it took just half a day to do, although we gave sybille the bike dimensions in advance.
we turned up, the night before, crated the next morning, landbrdge came to us, collected the paperwork,and bikes, job done.
the bikes go overland to a port in china, then by sea to germany then on to the uk for us.
hope this is not too late for you.

colebatch 17 Jul 2011 11:02

Good info guys.

I have located Landbridge on the GPS maps and have placed a waypoint there on my waypoints file. I will include it in the next waypoint update.

lemar 18 Jul 2011 10:12

Hi guys, thanks for your answers.
I'm in contact with Landbridge, but the time of transport are very long, do you thing it's possible to send it by plane for less than 1500€ ?
Because 2 guys, one from Air Cargo Express and an other one, I don't remember the name, tell me to call them when I will be in Oulan Bator, because they want to see the bike before, and for example the guy from Air cargo express tell me the price for sending the bike to Bruxelles will be 1200 euros, by plane !
What do you think ? Beter to take Landbridge (long time but save) ?

geordy paul 18 Jul 2011 10:24

i dont think there is the perfect answer.
a lot depends on your budget and the time you are willing to spend without your bike.
when shipping our bikes with pan-europa and landbridge we paid 700euro.
but takes upto 3months, though you could be lucky and get it back sooner. as for flying, yes its quicker, but we were quoted £2500 by james cargo. choice is yours.

Lee @ Interpreter Live 19 Jul 2011 08:46


We sent the bikes by container and I do think it took maybe 6 - 8 weeks from memory. As far as I can remember they went by train to China and then boat back to UK. Air freight was a lot more expensive and as I was in no great rush to get the bikes the land-sea option seemed fine. I also go quotes from people like Andreas Koenig and a few others but they were invariably a lot more expensive than Landbridge.

Time v price - the eternal shipping conundrum!

All the best,

maria41 4 Nov 2013 14:02

Bumping this thread up as there are quite few people going to Mongolia next spring/summer and interested in shipping from UB (including myself!)
Very useful info in here!

crisidsto 4 Nov 2013 14:42

Some more useful info here:

Advfactory - Home

chris 4 Nov 2013 15:09


Originally Posted by maria41 (Post 442519)
Bumping this thread up as there are quite few people going to Mongolia next spring/summer and interested in shipping from UB (including myself!)
Very useful info in here!

I'm in the process of trying to ship my bike from Mongolia to Germany using Paneuropa (German agent)/ Global Worldwide (Mongolia agent)/ Oasis Guesthouse. I boxed the bike in late August and now, early November, it hasn't even left Mongolia! Paneuropa is predicting all sorts of new fees (that I won't be paying...) and I foresee much more hassle and huge expense.

Please do yourself a favour and DON'T freight from (or to) Mongolia. It's all a monstrous pita.

Freight from Vladivostok is fine via Yuri Melnikov. Or from Irkutsk by train, see http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...re-train-71580

klausmong1 4 Nov 2013 16:37

Hm, I also met many people who were happy with this company.

The person which I drove to mongolia together also sent it with Pan Europa and everything ant quite OK.

But they usually wait till a container is full and in end of august there are not so much drivers anymore …..

chris 4 Nov 2013 16:45


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 442540)
Hm, I also met many people who were happy with this company.

The person which I drove to mongolia together also sent it with Pan Europa and everything ant quite OK.

But they usually wait till a container is full and in end of august there are not so much drivers anymore …..

A friend used Paneuropa in 2012 and was very satisfied. The problem is (in my opinion) not with Paneuropa in Germany, but with their new incompetent Mongolia agent (GW) and/or changing (in order to attract higher "earnings"/"fees"?) Mongolian Customs procedures.

Which ever way you look at it, since summer 2013 Vladivostok/Irkutsk is easier/cheaper than Ulaan Bataar.

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