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roro 22 Jul 2015 12:39

Turkmenistan entry refusals

I've found this info:

Caravanistan View topic - Turkmenistan transit visa refusals

Does anybody tried to get this transit visas these days?



bob66 23 Jul 2015 09:52

Turkmen transit visa refused
My friend put the papers for the transit visa in Teheran (one week ago) and he went to get the visa from Mashad, but he was denied, with no explanation.

He doesn't have an Azer visa and his situation is a little complicated because his Russian visa is only for 2 entries, and now he has to go via Russia and Kazakhstan to arrive in Uzbekistan and further.

Does anyone know if he can get another Russian visa on the road? (maybe in Almaty)

Cristian / Bob

klausmong1 24 Jul 2015 02:22

As far as I know it is only possible to get the visa for Russia in the country you live.

That is why everyone says to get a russian multy entry business visa in case something happens on the road.

He might have saved a hundred bucks on the russian visa.
And now?

And it is also not possible to have 2 visas for russia at the same time in the passport....

motoreiter 24 Jul 2015 06:01


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 511347)
As far as I know it is only possible to get the visa for Russia in the country you live.

I think this depends on your nationality. As a US citizen, I've obtained many Russian visas without going to the US.

But it is correct that you cannot have two Russian visas in your passport--you can apply for a new visa, in which case your current visa would be cancelled. I don't know if they have any policies about issuing multi-entry visas when you already have a valid and unused two entry visa.

roro 24 Jul 2015 09:51

Thanks for infos about Russian visa.
If I understand well, I can ask in a Russian consulate to cancel my visa and to get a new one?
Because if I'm denied in Teh (for my Turkm visa), I have to change the dates of my Russian visa to go back to Georgia, the Russia and Kaz.

Please let me know if it is possible....


WesleyDRZ400 24 Jul 2015 13:05


Originally Posted by roro (Post 511361)
Thanks for infos about Russian visa.
If I understand well, I can ask in a Russian consulate to cancel my visa and to get a new one?
Because if I'm denied in Teh (for my Turkm visa), I have to change the dates of my Russian visa to go back to Georgia, the Russia and Kaz.

Please let me know if it is possible....


A few years ago i canceled my Kazak visa to change dates and they were fine with it and just canceled it and put a new one in, should be fine if you state this

I think your main problem is getting a Russian visa while you are out your own country. Try contacting visa agents back in your own country and arrange posting your passport to get the visa as this is what a few have did who have been in your situation.

However i think one guy did post on here that he got a Russian visa on his travels but this is rare. Maybe take aday out of your trip phoning embassy's you plan to get this visa from on route so you know yourself as i would not bet on just showing up hoping you get it

motoreiter 24 Jul 2015 14:17


Originally Posted by roro (Post 511361)
Please let me know if it is possible....

Sorry, but I can't tell you with any certainty. In the past I've had a valid Russian visa cancelled when I received a new one, so I suspect its possible, but things are different with different nationalities and different embassies, and the fact that your visa hasn't been used yet could also be a factor.

WesleyDRZ400 24 Jul 2015 14:39

I never used my Kazak visa they just wrote over it to confirm its void and issues a new one, on my visa application letter i stated this and it was fine.

I also questioned this regarding my Russian visa and the visa agent said you can get another one but your first will be cancelled but it turned out i never needed a Russian visa as i just made it on time with my then current issued visa.

But yes i am sure different embassy's will have different views and sometimes any bother to them out of the usual requests and they might not help.

You should seek advice from Visa agents in the area you plan to apply from now with emails/calling as maybe you will have to go with plan B if plan A fails

You mentioned going to Almaty so maybe try contacting Stan Tours there
"For further Countries please send your enquiry to info@stantours.com, we have very competitive prices for Russia and Iran tourist invitations starting at USD 30...55!"


robtho 25 Jul 2015 08:32

Russian Visas in Mongolia
Backpackers at the hostel here in UB Mongolia are getting 30 day visas for Russia however it is taking 10 working days to process. So if it's possible here perhaps it's also possible elsewhere?

klausmong1 25 Jul 2015 16:28

roro is from France, and as far as I know he has t apply in his homecountry.

Where are the backbaggers from? USA????

And by the way, happy welcome in UB!!
We could meet for a beer.
How was your trip from Olgi after we met?

motoreiter 25 Jul 2015 19:42

I know a guy in Moscow who does great work with Russian visas, but I think most of his contacts are in the Baltics rather than Mongolia/Central Asia, so I'm not sure he will be of much use. If you'd like to contact him, PM me and I'll send you his contact info.

robtho 25 Jul 2015 22:48

From all over.

Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 511463)
roro is from France, and as far as I know he has t apply in his homecountry.

Where are the backbaggers from? USA????

And by the way, happy welcome in UB!!
We could meet for a beer.
How was your trip from Olgi after we met?

The guy I spoke to was from Italy. Seems when he went to the consulate he was given the contact advice for a travel agent nearby and told to apply there. Now he has gone touring around Mongolia while he waits to get his passport and visa back.
Kiwi I've been traveling through Japan and Russia with is now applying in UB for a transit visa through Russia and told it will take from 3 to 10 days.

Kiwi-videos 26 Jul 2015 06:02

Turkmenistan transit visa failures

Sorry , about about those Transit visa refusals.
I was in Mashhad ( Iran )several days ago with a group at the Consulate there and a Belgian cyclist was refused a transit visa there. He was a the third Belgian in two weeks to be refused. I,d be planning a backup route if you are from Belgian for some reason.
He was looking at flying from Tehran to Uzbekistan last heard of with his bicycle for 350 Euros one way.
Everyone else in the group of 8 got their tranist visa,s.

mika 26 Jul 2015 06:28

Turkmenistan visa refusals
meet an Irish backpacker here in Bishkek, and he was also refused the transit visa in Mashad a few weeks ago.


roro 26 Jul 2015 11:20

But, if your transit visa is refused, is it a solution to apply for a tourist visa with booking a tour?


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