Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   UB Chinese Embassy info (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/ub-chinese-embassy-info-65312)

Belle 17 Jul 2012 10:33

UB Chinese Embassy info
Greetings people -Thismight be useful if you're heading toChina fromMongolia and dont yet have a visa. ( we dont)

As of 1st March this year,visa payment needs to be made at the Golomt Bank and can no longer be made at the Embassy. Once you have applied,you get a receipt which you then take to the bank -nearest one is walking distance- look at the map in the Embassy.Payment is in US dollars only and you will NOT get change so get the exact money before you go.A tourist visa costs $30.00 for all but US is $140.00.

The process takes 5 working days and there is no shortcut.The Embassy is only open Monday,Weds ,Friday 0930 -12noon but get there early!! Door is at the side of the complex and looks like a prison iron door but this is the right place.

They want copies of everything but there is no copying facility,and one passport type photo, plus a letter of invitation to China - even if you are just going to a hotel.You can get round this by calling the hotel and getting them to send a confirmation letter that you have booked THREE NIGHTS accommodation with them. So go prepared.

You also need proof of a flight or train out and a printed itinerary for each person.Red tape rules.doh

Good luck

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