Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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WesleyDRZ400 31 Jan 2014 14:33


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 452556)
As far as i know you only have to register, when you stay more than 6 days on one spot.

If you travel, and you keep your gas bills and everything, than it should be OK.

I registered twice, just to had it done, took just the night…..

I am sure it is 7 days in the country regardless if you are traveling all the time or staying in one spot.

I could be wrong however evertime i have left Russia and have stayed more than 7 days (before this register thing was 3 days a few years ago) either from the airport or at the land border crossing i was asked for this register paper.

I did however once stay 9 days with out registering in which they said not to do again but had no issues otherwise

klausmong1 31 Jan 2014 16:26

OK, more than 6 days = 7 days!!

I asked a few visa agencies and a lot of travelers.
Everyone told me, that just in case of staying in the same spot you need registration.

Only sometimes someone smart wants to make money out of it.

And if you have bills and can proof, that you change places, than you don't need registration.
My information might be wrong, but the travelers i asked did it so on quite some journeys.

And by the way, the registration thing with longer stay on one place we also have in a lot of european countries, they just don't see it this strict…..

cyber-zebb 31 Jan 2014 16:53

Wesley is correct Russian Registration is now 7 working days so with the weekend thrown in thats 9 , also with the year long visa you can stay in the country for a maximum of 90 days then you have to leave for 90 , the cars under 10 years in Mongolia is only a rule set by the Mongolian rally organizers


cyber-zebb 31 Jan 2014 16:59

ps officialy registration is not required if you keep moving around, BUT its FREE so why take the chance of being pulled by mr arse hole who insists he wants that slip , unless you speak Russian trying to argue is pointless

klausmong1 31 Jan 2014 17:54

I also did register, even a lot of people told me I don't need it.

I did it that way, that We took a good Hotel in Omsk ( recommend the Ibis Sibir ) have a nice WiFi Spot and have registration………

And about the cars:
In the time when the mongol rally arrives, in 2013 i met some people, they had to leave some deposit on the border.
Some Mongolian told me, they just do that when the rally comes up, and they have the feeling that people would leave their car……

You can still see unsold old cars from the last years in UB, they don't want that anymore.
For example, a Fiat Uno will never be sold there…….

Boycie 31 Jan 2014 20:09


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 452556)
As far as i know you only have to register, when you stay more than 6 days on one spot.

If you travel, and you keep your gas bills and everything, than it should be OK.

I registered twice, just to had it done, took just the night…..

Many thanks ... will investigate further


Sarz 1 Feb 2014 12:23

Thanks for the heads up Noel!

I was wondering what people do when applying for a business visa in russia. It has recently come to my attention that you need to provide a letter of support from the company you work for indicating the purpose of your visit and who will be taking responsibility for you, etc etc... What do people do if your company is not willing to give you this? I have not asked my company, but I cannot imagine they would be happy doing this as they would have to lie.
It has been suggested to me that the Russians will still issue you a business visa even if you don't supply this letter but I wanted to confirm others had been successful doing this?

WesleyDRZ400 2 Feb 2014 08:46


Originally Posted by Sarz (Post 452717)
Thanks for the heads up Noel!

I was wondering what people do when applying for a business visa in russia. It has recently come to my attention that you need to provide a letter of support from the company you work for indicating the purpose of your visit and who will be taking responsibility for you, etc etc... What do people do if your company is not willing to give you this? I have not asked my company, but I cannot imagine they would be happy doing this as they would have to lie.
It has been suggested to me that the Russians will still issue you a business visa even if you don't supply this letter but I wanted to confirm others had been successful doing this?

Use a visa agency at it is real easy as they do all the work and you just fill out a few forms and only hand over the passport when all is done.

My 1 year Buisness visa cost £400 and they did all the work, however i payed more as i needed it fast hence the price at £400. i am sure you can get it cheaper but i have been using this agency for along time and you pay for what you get. I read the post on here with regards to the guys going to mongolia on C90's and there visa agent messed up and caused there trip to end due to this

klausmong1 2 Feb 2014 09:18


Originally Posted by WesleyDRZ400 (Post 452822)
Use a visa agency at it is real easy as they do all the work and you just fill out a few forms and only hand over the passport when all is done.

My 1 year Buisness visa cost £400 and they did all the work, however i payed more as i needed it fast hence the price at £400. i am sure you can get it cheaper but i have been using this agency for along time and you pay for what you get. I read the post on here with regards to the guys going to mongolia on C90's and there visa agent messed up and caused there trip to end due to this

Same for me
I used a visa agency, they did all the work, i payed about 400 and got a 1 year multi entry business visa.
And I never had a russian visa before.

Just take care that you have a good visa agency, I asked 4 of them and then I decided which one i took

Sarz 22 Feb 2014 12:01

Thanks WesleyDRZ and Klausmong1!
What agency did you end up getting your visa through?

Jervig 22 Feb 2014 13:02

Sorry for going back a few posts, about having to register in the Russian Federation. Indead the rule is 7 working days in one place. In this case one place means in 1 municipality. In fact most travellers don't have to register at all as we never stay that long in one place. What we do is simpel, we keep all our bills of the trip ie shopping bills, petrol bills etc etc so you can proove easily that you never stayed more than 7 days in one place.



colebatch 23 Feb 2014 03:02

the 90 days out of 180 rule is on rolling time periods. In ANY 180 day period, you can only have been in the country 90 days. Obviously this is most relevant when you exit, so if you look at the exit date, and 179 days prior, have you been in Russia a total of more than 90 days. If yes, then you have a problem.

No it doesn't reset when you leave and come back. Its simply "have you been in Russia for more than 90 days in the previous 180."

You can exit an enter as much as you like ... just work out how many days out of the past 180 you have been in Russia. It must be 90 or less, each and every day that you are int he country.

Boycie 24 Feb 2014 18:46

Many thanks for the clear explanation of the 90 out of 180 days.


WesleyDRZ400 24 Feb 2014 19:40


Originally Posted by Jervig (Post 455519)
Sorry for going back a few posts, about having to register in the Russian Federation. Indead the rule is 7 working days in one place. In this case one place means in 1 municipality. In fact most travellers don't have to register at all as we never stay that long in one place. What we do is simpel, we keep all our bills of the trip ie shopping bills, petrol bills etc etc so you can proove easily that you never stayed more than 7 days in one place.



Are you 100% sure on this? where did you get your information as they always ask for this registration paper on all my visits.

WesleyDRZ400 24 Feb 2014 19:41


Originally Posted by Sarz (Post 455513)
Thanks WesleyDRZ and Klausmong1!
What agency did you end up getting your visa through?

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