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-   -   Shipping bicycle to Malaysia from UK? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/overland-bicycle-travel/shipping-bicycle-to-malaysia-uk-66846)

MikeS 18 Oct 2012 08:07

Shipping bicycle to Malaysia from UK?
Hey, has anyone shipped a bicycle to KL, Malaysia from UK recently? Looking to bring my mountain bike over but have been quoted 220GBPs from a shipping agent to get it to KL...does anyone have any suggestions to get it over here for less cash? Thanks

mark manley 18 Oct 2012 20:36

Get a flight with either Emirates 30 kg allowance in cattle class or Gulf 28 kg and take it as checked luggage for nothing. Get a cardboard box from a bike shop to pack it in. total price £0

MikeS 19 Oct 2012 02:22

Thanks Mark but am already in KL :)

mark manley 19 Oct 2012 07:01

Oops sorry I never spotted that :oops2:

Keith1954 19 Oct 2012 07:44

Slightly off topic, but are you going to the Moto GP this weekend Mike?

We just arrivied in KL - last night, Thu-18th - and will be going down to Sepang Circuit on Sunday for sure, maybe tomorrow (Sat) too.


Keith [& Ellen]

MikeS 20 Oct 2012 04:04

Hey Keith, Selamat Datang to KL! How long you here for? Hadn't thought of going as been spending lot of time sorting out rental for an apartment here but if sunday is free, may head down :)

Keith1954 20 Oct 2012 07:21

Mike, Selamat Datang to you too mate.

This is just a flying 10-day visit to deliver some parts for the bike, e.g: an upgraded shock absorber, a new rear tyre (Conti Escape, which can't buy down here) etceteras. Just an excuse to get away for a few days really .. :biggrin3:

Taking a bus ride to Singapore either Monday or Tuesday for a 3-4 day lookaround down there. Leaving for home, from Changi, next Friday night.

Didn't get out of my pit until gone 12 noon, what with jetlag an' all, so will skip Sepang today (Saturday). Definitely go tomorrow though, as we already bought 2-day passes for the main Grandstand.

I'll get a local SIM card later this afternoon and PM you the number. If you like, it would be great to meet-up, at least for a beer or two.

By the way, we're staying/sleeping in China Town for this KL visit.



Keith1954 20 Oct 2012 11:39


Originally Posted by Keith1954 (Post 397230)
I'll get a local SIM card later this afternoon and PM you the number.

Mike, I've just got a local mobile-cell phone number, and I've sent you a PM with the details. Don't hesitate to call me or send text a message if you're free anytime during the couple of days.


MikeS 22 Oct 2012 03:09

Thanks Keith, PM'd you too, give me a shout if you're free either tue or wed eves this week. Cheers


Originally Posted by Keith1954 (Post 397251)
Mike, I've just got a local mobile-cell phone number, and I've sent you a PM with the details. Don't hesitate to call me or send text a message if you're free anytime during the couple of days.


MikeS 25 Feb 2013 02:53


Had put shipping my bike on the back burner for a while but thinking about doing this fairly soon. Its boxed up back at home and ready to go, just need some economical suggestions for shipping companies to approach or can you just show up at airport cargo and get them to do it. Just want simplest method as relying on my mum/sister to deal with it so want to keep it straightforward... cheers!

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