Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Honda spares, Geneva or Paris? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/repair-shops-europe/honda-spares-geneva-or-paris-35766)

Poa 8 Jun 2008 13:26

Honda spares, Geneva or Paris?
I'm on a Honda xr250 (MD30) and blown a front fork seal. Since I live in Tanzania it's been tough getting parts (one shop says 5 months to get the seals)... In a few weeks I'll be traveling through Geneva and Paris and hope anyone out there can guide me to a dealer/shop that might sell the fork seals and any other spares I can get my hands on.

Thanks a lot


Dar es Salaam,

JonStobbs 8 Jun 2008 18:10

Hi Pete.
Don't know if it's any help but the Honda parts guru here in the UK is David Silver Spares - HOME (0044) 1728 833020.They'll almost certainly have XR fork seals in stock and should be able to post them out to you when you get to somewhere with an address in France(or anywhere else in the world for that!).

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