Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Ride Tales (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/ride-tales/)
-   -   Democratic Republic of Congo: Lubumbashi to Kinshasa (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/ride-tales/democratic-republic-congo-lubumbashi-kinshasa-53285)

Hornet 18 May 2012 11:27

Without doubt the best trip report I have ever read. Well done to both of you!

Allie_Smit 31 Oct 2012 16:35

F & J - truly an incredible trip and well narrated. Come for beerwhen you visit the Southernmost point of Africa again - I'm there....


tetrix 2 Mar 2013 01:06

:clap: Absolutely amazing reading even after so many years! Many thanks for sharing your trip and feelings.

Titbird 9 Mar 2013 11:31

I put a kmz and gdb file online for people that want to do the route, we had a route on gps from other people and it proved to be very usefull as there is a lot of route finding on the way. Basicly the road splits up every few kilometers and although they pretty much all end up in the same place, it can be very confusing.

And here is my report again on this incredible road and it's people
Africa: DRC

ProperJob 21 Aug 2013 03:56

Hi Fred and Josephine
I have just come across your story on a 4x4 Southern Africa forum. It is by far the best overland blog I have read, and I am astounded that you have received any negative comments.
Your journey was a very gutsy one and challenging to the extreme. Your recording of it was absolutely appropriate and you dealt with the situations thrown at you exceptionally well. For sure, not many overlanders would have the combination of skills and ability to negotiate through the DRC, as you did. On top of that great stamina.
The road conditions alone would be enough to finish off most travellers. I did my own self drive trip around Africa in 2010/11 and recorded in my blog Proper Job Around Africa, but the challenges you faced and got through were another league from that I experienced. Much respect !!

Noel900r 24 Aug 2013 05:09

G'day from central Queensland Australia
Have just read your report from the start ,wow you guy's are brave!If only the Congolese could work together without all the corruption they would all prosper.look forward to your next installment.regards Noel

furious 8 Apr 2014 17:38

Hi Fred and Josephine!

I cannot thank you enough for your effort to publish your story, since we really need information on this route. Very few people had the guts to do it.

I should congratulate you also for your ethics and your behaviour to the locals. I know from my experiences that it's hard not to contribute to the corruption. Of course, some times it's easier to just give the money and keep going but this would be terrible for the next travellers who would be there. So, thanks a lot for not giving in to the corruption...

drummer 14 Aug 2014 10:30

Hi Fred and Josephine.

Just as a matter of interest I did a scan of the most read report on the HU forum and yes, your report came up. I still cannot believe this was an actual event with just the two of you and a single vehicle. A thrilling read indeed. Thank you for posting this truly incredible story.:clap:

furious 11 Sep 2014 19:30

We made it!
We finally made it!

Sure, it was a bit hard but I am glad to report that our experience was happily much better than yours, guys. 13 days in total, without any big issues!

For any travelers who need information on this route, I wrote our experience at:
Madnomad: Central Africa - mad nomad

Madnomad: Trip diary of mad about Africa - mad nomad

Oh, and if you find yourself in Lubumbashi in 2014-2015, I will be glad to host you, since I 'll be working here for a while!

Happy travels!

pdanjou 24 May 2015 14:06

I just read the whole thread in one go. I thought I had some offroad experience in Asia but this Congo stuff is the real deal :O

diesel jim 1 Dec 2017 21:29

I'm just about to embark on reading this thread again....

Well worthwhile for anyone who's remotely interested in exploring.

beer at the ready....

Allie_Smit 2 Dec 2017 05:22

Enjoy the read (again)!!

Originally Posted by diesel jim (Post 574756)
I'm just about to embark on reading this thread again....

Well worthwhile for anyone who's remotely interested in exploring.

beer at the ready....

Enjoy the read ... and epic one this, with some good pointers on do's and don't's... :thumbup1:

kalboy53 3 Dec 2017 09:56

Wonderfully written account of your epic journey.
Showed massive determination and courage and you both should be applauded.
Best travel story I've read for many years. I worked in and around BC in early 70's and not a lot has changed (except for a few wars since!). Chinese influence and endemic corruption big issues now. Well done you two, keep safe.

diesel jim 25 Dec 2017 15:15

Always a good read this one is!

just finished it on Christmas day... wife and mother in law have had a few wines too many, so I've dissapeared into the study with the laptop and immersed myself in the world of DRC

Fred... where are you guys now? how is the LC?

gatogato 26 Dec 2017 00:23

Wow, thank you for making this a very entertaining Christmas day for me. I probably will never go to Africa, but I really enjoyed experiencing a piece of it with your Congo ride report.

A lot of people would call you crazy for doing a trip like this, but they do not understand how the memories and experiences from 1 year of traveling, equates to about 10 years of rat race life. I'm sure your wife and you will be talking about this trip 50 years from now. She is beautiful btw.

I'm glad that the moderators took care of the few bad apples spreading criticism. Thank you for posting an honest reflection of what your trip was like. Most people would be too afraid to report such an honest reflection of what the trip was like.


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