Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Democratic Republic of Congo: Lubumbashi to Kinshasa (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/ride-tales/democratic-republic-congo-lubumbashi-kinshasa-53285)

trans-african 20 Nov 2010 13:46

GPS data
Well done to you indeed, this is an amazing trip report!

Also, are you able to post any GPS waypoints or things of the sort onto this thread?

aukeboss 20 Nov 2010 14:17

Very very nice report! I was glued to the screen for a few days!

oothef 20 Nov 2010 14:28

"people have the impression that we are angry in everything we do."
If that was the case I think you would have exploded long before finishing the trip!
Brilliant report, great summary. I admire your honesty and fortitude, many thanks
(Though it did cause me to burn the tea twice)

Newtsalad 21 Nov 2010 18:58

Brilliant read.
Thanks for posting this up, just been totally engrossed for 4 hours.
Don't let negative people chip away at you as some seem to have done.
You've both shown remarkable fortitude, and I think your judgements were sound! Well done!

svetlana71 21 Nov 2010 20:27

marocco overland
hi.....i plan to go with my camper from serbia to africa, entering marocco... need all the tips i can get. thanks, svetlana

robopie 22 Nov 2010 05:13

Thanks so much Fred, amazing and gripping. Best thing I've read in awhile. Thank-you!beerchug

PK Ash 22 Nov 2010 08:44

Fred, Josephine,

That is an incredible journey and a gripping trip report. I think you should be congratulated for your honesty.

Ignore the sniping and negativity - you've been there and I bet your critics haven't. Armchair adventurers are all bark and no dog.

From travelling in southern Africa, especially Mozambique, I know how tiring and depressing is the corruption and the endless request for money. It is an endemic problem and very destructive. And then you see the aid workers bombing around in their shiny 4x4s, being paid vast amounts of money, and you have to ask what good they are doing?

You guys have guts: I don't think I'd have the courage to travel alone across the DRC with my girlfriend.

Good travels, you two, and all the best.


initiation 22 Nov 2010 15:27

Frankly an awesome read, all I can say is well done!beerchug

BcDano 22 Nov 2010 15:48

Thanks for the fantastic report and the honesty. Its refreshing to say the least!

thebiglad 22 Nov 2010 16:03

Big congratulations to you both Fred & Josephine; I have just spent all day reading reading your trip report and found it fascinating.

It was so well written that I felt every joy, every frustration, every grit of mud as if I was there with you.

I have only done very minor travelling by comparison to you two, but plan to do more. However, I know that I will NEVER be tempted to go to the RDC as I could take what you had to endure.

Morocco (already done once), Tunisia, Egypt yes but not DRC.

Thank you very much for taking the time to write your report, I have sent links to several friends who enjoy over-landing.


mikemedic 23 Nov 2010 10:25

Great post and thank you.
The rains are late this year and hopefully you will get through the DRC without getting too bogged down. The police in the DRC are really something - I've been working in the DRC for 2 months and there is a fine/license/permit for everything and anything they can think of. Just keep doing what you've already done and you will be OK (and keep the camera low profile!).:thumbup1:

Redbull Addict 24 Nov 2010 02:52

That was a fantastic read for me. I just want to thank you for taking the time to write this up for us. I know it takes a lot of patience, time and effort to create such a great trip report.

In my mind there is nothing you need to explain or justify. No one will ever be in your shoes in the exact same circumstances. Like you said, those were your emotions or impressions in that moment. I find it unfair and downright rude of others reading this to criticize.

A great report and a big thank you!!!!

2cvfred 24 Nov 2010 21:15

A screenshot of the GPS data we collected in OziExplorer. I have some cleaning up to do regarding the waypoints but will make them available as soon as possible.


You can see from our track that we covered 3067km in total. While the road should actually be something like 2300km.

A note on the road, if you are planning to drive yourself: the situation has changed quite a bit since 2008. You might have noticed we had most problems north of Kananga. We had little choice at the time because of the "coupeurs de route" and because the ferry in Tshikapa was not functional.

Last I heard is that the ferry is back in bussines. The Chinese are also doing some major work on the RN1 between kikwit and Tshikapa. Quite a bit is tarred now. The road between Tshikapa and Kananga is notoriously muddy.
Mbuji-Mayi to Lubumbashi wil be pretty much the unchanged since we were there. It's hard but doable (preferably outside the rainy season). Most of the terrain is sandy. If you do decide to go via Ilebo, do not forget to have 2 batteries handy to start the ferry.

Ofcourse, always check the security situation, the best information can be had locally. Do not trust sources who are not actually in the country, they usually have no idea.

More information coming up as soon as I have sorted the waypoints out. (And yes, a bit of info on the car is still coming.. as promised ;-) )

2cvfred 2 Dec 2010 13:06

We have been asked as a speaker on the first Overland Live podcast session.

It's a small presentation of our 2 year trip, which includes this Congo episode, and we will anser questions afterwards. All this can be followed live online. It takes place on Sunday 5/12 (that's this Sunday!) at 19:00 GMT . Only a limited amount of people can attent, so registration is required. It's free ofcourse.

Overland Live Podcast & Webcast Series

BcDano 2 Dec 2010 16:57

Can you post the podcast recording link of this session as I can't tune in at that time and would love to hear the conversation.


airamerica 3 Dec 2010 11:16

Thar is the most amazing story i ever read about Africa! Thank you for sharing it here!

2cvfred 5 Dec 2010 21:25

Here is a recording of the video session:


rvatorflash 7 Dec 2010 00:21

Thanks for the report. I enjoyed reading it tremendously. You 2 have much courage.

zeroland 7 Dec 2010 12:27


Originally Posted by 2cvfred (Post 314914)
Here is a recording of the video session:


Just watched the recorded version. Thank very much for sharing your exciting trip. The photos were brilliant and very inspirational.

Look forward to hearing your next story...

Hippy 8 Dec 2010 16:50

i have spent most of today reading your story and watching your broadcast. thanks for sharing your fascinating adventure and good luck with your future travels! :thumbup1:

Thundertyphoon 9 Dec 2010 04:42

Amazing trip and wonderful report. Thanks for sharing.

steved57 17 Dec 2010 00:48

Thanks to both of you for such a well written trip report, you have courage and tenacity off the scale, your report is very well written including your thoughts, emotions, feelings etc.... whether it is about either of you two or the folks you encountered. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for or explain to anyone who questions your words. I think you handled all the situations better than most ! I discovered your report just two days ago and it has kept me from getting much work done as I could not stop reading it
You should consider writing a book covering your entire trip

Thanks Again


BikingMarco 23 Dec 2010 04:04

Hey guys,

Thanks so much for making the effort and putting all this info up here. It is these sort of stories which are most helpful for future overlanders travelling there and which keep us others going and dreaming whilst we’re not on the road.

A friend and me, we’re planning our own Africa trip for next year. Concerning the DRC, as you’ve stated earlier, it is almost impossible to find any up to date information apart from “it’s dangerous – don’t go there”. So travel blogs like this one cannot be valued high enough for the wealth of information they provide. Your pictures are just awesome and heaps helpful to get prepared for the road conditions. On the Michelin Maps your route does look more like a multilane freeway!


Originally Posted by Ride4Adventure (Post 313168)
Great trip.
Great ride report

Do you think your trip would have been any easier riding across the DRC on a motorcycle instead of a 4 x 4 ?

There is another DRC story of two Aussie guys riding a KTM through the DRC in 2009 (very similar route), it’s the "DRC Crossing - Lubombashi to Kinshasa" thread in the Sub-Saharan Africa Forum. Very interesting read too for all who plan to do this on two wheels.

twenty4seven 2 Jan 2011 16:31

Thanks Fred for the fantastic report :thumbup1:

PhilAtkinson 4 Jan 2011 13:43

Fred, Josephine,

Thank you so much for an amazing trip report; an epic story that had me enthralled from beginning to end. And this is just your travels across the DRC :-) I truely admire you for selling everything, packing up & getting out there to experience it.

I traveled overland from CAR through Zaire to Burundi / Tanzania back in 1989 and it was an amazing experience. It was a dangerous trip to do back in 1989 but nothing compared to the dangers that you now face. From the stories of your encounters with people, good & bad to the broken bridges and river crossings, it brings back many great memories for me. It was & still is an amazing country; it`s still one of my favourites to date. Thank you for sharing.



pdriver 14 Jan 2011 00:47

Incredible story. Truly incredible.

Dave 2000 16 Jan 2011 03:46

Well there I was thinking about expedition 'stuff' to put on my Landcruiser and stumbled onto a link to your journey! Having now spent FIVE hours reading every post of yours and those in between from start to finish and I am blown away! There were times where I was so engrossed in your story that I realised that I had stopped breathing it was that interesting.

Thank you so much for one of the most interesting threads I have read in a long long time............you guys rock!

Well done



Noah M 18 Jan 2011 01:15

Fred and Josephine,

Thank you for posting such an epic story!
I have traveled through east africa and found your report very informative and very gripping!
Would love to hear more of your adventures!:thumbup1:

Traveling Mercies!

kolzen 28 Jan 2011 22:03

I cant be the only one who wants to see a picture of the Chess set?! After so much talk about the haggling I feel cheated without a picture of it!

Great report - Signed up just to say thanks and well... ask for the picturebeer of the chess set!


texas80 11 Feb 2011 23:30

I registered just so I could post how amazing this trip report was. You two did an awesome job on this trip and obviously handled this the best you can. I would actually love to do a trip like this through Congo and I know it will take a lot of planning and preparation.

Again, good job on the trip and the report, I was captivated for the hours it took to go through and read the entire report! jeiger

I plan to to Nigeria later this year and wanted to see a trip report on Kinshasa (would like to make this a side trip).....this report was very helpful. Really unraveled some mysteries of how things work in DRC. I hope conditions improve by the time I get there. Interestingly enough some really happy music comes from that country. YouTube - CONGOLESE GUITAR STYLE SOUKOUS

bigredbob 19 Feb 2011 08:06

Great story!!!

Yellowknife 24 Mar 2011 15:21

Fred and Josephine
I just joined HU so I could say thanks for your report. I have to admit that I cannot comprehend why anyone would put themselves through this torture in the DRC. Your wrap up shed a lot of light on the country and your thought processes. Thank you for sharing this part of your journey, and all the best going forward in life. You are two very special people.:thumbup1:

hairball 26 Mar 2011 18:21

Awesome Read!!!
Just got finished,and i feel like i was there with you two the whole way:thumbup1: Both of you are true DIPLOMATS of Travel,and if ever you should pass my Domicile on your amazing quest of perpetual traveling,you will surely find a good meal , drink and a safe haven for an evening or two.beerIn the infamous word's of Mark Twain:Travel is Fatal to Prejudice,Bigotry,and Narrow-Mindedness.

A.L.F 4 Apr 2011 10:00

What an excellent tale. I just couldn't stop reading. :thumbup1:
These stories always fill me with a deep sadness for these forgotten people and the hardship they endure just trying to survive there.

I'm a 'Mine brat' and spent my childhood up to the age of 16 flitting between Zambia, Zaire and the UK. I spent two years in and around Katanga Province and although whilst certainly not the model nation things sort of worked.
I never felt threatened and the road blocks which were normal even then usually consisted of getting out of the car to stretch my legs , a smile and a joke and breaking a cigarette in two ( half each to the guards.)
The Border between Zambia and Zaire was often done without even getting out. (We often used to drive down to see friends) We'd just drive down a dirt track at the border, hold out a loaf of bread and through we'd go.

I've just finished reading 'On foot through Africa' (ffyona Campbell) and to all those who enjoyed this brilliant thread I recommend this book.

joova 14 Jun 2011 14:25

Thanks for this epic tale
Just wanted to add my appreciation and gratitude for this epic travel report. I've worked on and off in Congo (North and South Kivu) since 2005, but I have never ventured this far inland or attempted a journey of this magnitude.

Much respect


monsieur 15 Jun 2011 09:00

I am another very satisfied reader!
Your tenacity and determination (both of you) is very inspiring!

May I ask where you are now?
Are you still travelling?
Do you still have the battled landcruiser?

Thanks again!

Cossack 9 Aug 2011 03:49

For the last 4 hours I have been reading all your reports and your reasoning at the end and first of all, you have apologised a couple of times for being boring, there is no need at all for that, I have never read anything less boring, it held me completely riveted to my computer screen.
I've travelled overland to a few places but always been not too far from civilisation unlike you.
I have total admiration for what you have done, I could never have the courage and determination to achieve what you have succeeded in doing, my best wishes go to you and your partner.
May all your future travels be less traumatic.
Landcruisers rule

lynch180 9 Aug 2011 20:55

And they said that the world was flat................
Fred and Josephine,

Incredible story, I have been glued to the screen:thumbup1:

Both of you are ambassadors for overland travellers and pay no attetion to the

negative comments...............jealousy is a bad thing and generally is from people

who do not have the balls to do what you did.

Total respect bier

Onno 14 Sep 2011 18:01

Hi Fred & Josephine,
You probably don't remember us but we met you on the road in Congo Brazzaville shortly after you made it through the DRC. You were pretty exhausted but happy and now we know exactly why!
We talked for about an hour before I realized who you were. Turns out we had been using printouts of Radio Baobab waypoints and info off your website the whole time we were in West Africa since we didn't have any guidebooks. Never looked at the pictures so it took a while to realize haha.
It's really great to read your full story now. We traveled onwards to Japan, Korea and the Far East of Russia as well thanks to you. Wrecked the car on the way back from the Solstice Festival in Yakutsk so we lived in Tynda for a few months while sorting the car out again. Turned out to be one of the best experciences we've had on the whole trip. Russians are truly wonderful & hospitable people and we lived in a soviet style aparment block which was great. And we really got to know the far east of Russia and its resilient people.
We kept checking up on your website whenever we could and we were really happy to hear that you made it home and through Algeria in one piece.
We made it home as well although not nearly with as much difficulty as you.
Great to read your thoughts and reflections on the trip afterwards as well, we have had similar experiences and it also really widened our world view and I like to think it really changed us and that we´ve learned a lot.
All the best and hope to meet you again some day!
Best regards,
Onno and Monique

Here's a picture Monique took of us when we met you on the long sandy tracks in Congo:
DSD_0408a.jpg picture by jeweetzelf - Photobucket

kev1 16 May 2012 15:33

What an amazing account
You both deserve high praise.
Brilliantly written. Honest and awe inspiring
Thank you

Hornet 18 May 2012 11:27

Without doubt the best trip report I have ever read. Well done to both of you!

Allie_Smit 31 Oct 2012 16:35

F & J - truly an incredible trip and well narrated. Come for beerwhen you visit the Southernmost point of Africa again - I'm there....


tetrix 2 Mar 2013 01:06

:clap: Absolutely amazing reading even after so many years! Many thanks for sharing your trip and feelings.

Titbird 9 Mar 2013 11:31

I put a kmz and gdb file online for people that want to do the route, we had a route on gps from other people and it proved to be very usefull as there is a lot of route finding on the way. Basicly the road splits up every few kilometers and although they pretty much all end up in the same place, it can be very confusing.

And here is my report again on this incredible road and it's people
Africa: DRC

ProperJob 21 Aug 2013 03:56

Hi Fred and Josephine
I have just come across your story on a 4x4 Southern Africa forum. It is by far the best overland blog I have read, and I am astounded that you have received any negative comments.
Your journey was a very gutsy one and challenging to the extreme. Your recording of it was absolutely appropriate and you dealt with the situations thrown at you exceptionally well. For sure, not many overlanders would have the combination of skills and ability to negotiate through the DRC, as you did. On top of that great stamina.
The road conditions alone would be enough to finish off most travellers. I did my own self drive trip around Africa in 2010/11 and recorded in my blog Proper Job Around Africa, but the challenges you faced and got through were another league from that I experienced. Much respect !!

Noel900r 24 Aug 2013 05:09

G'day from central Queensland Australia
Have just read your report from the start ,wow you guy's are brave!If only the Congolese could work together without all the corruption they would all prosper.look forward to your next installment.regards Noel

furious 8 Apr 2014 17:38

Hi Fred and Josephine!

I cannot thank you enough for your effort to publish your story, since we really need information on this route. Very few people had the guts to do it.

I should congratulate you also for your ethics and your behaviour to the locals. I know from my experiences that it's hard not to contribute to the corruption. Of course, some times it's easier to just give the money and keep going but this would be terrible for the next travellers who would be there. So, thanks a lot for not giving in to the corruption...

drummer 14 Aug 2014 10:30

Hi Fred and Josephine.

Just as a matter of interest I did a scan of the most read report on the HU forum and yes, your report came up. I still cannot believe this was an actual event with just the two of you and a single vehicle. A thrilling read indeed. Thank you for posting this truly incredible story.:clap:

furious 11 Sep 2014 19:30

We made it!
We finally made it!

Sure, it was a bit hard but I am glad to report that our experience was happily much better than yours, guys. 13 days in total, without any big issues!

For any travelers who need information on this route, I wrote our experience at:
Madnomad: Central Africa - mad nomad

Madnomad: Trip diary of mad about Africa - mad nomad

Oh, and if you find yourself in Lubumbashi in 2014-2015, I will be glad to host you, since I 'll be working here for a while!

Happy travels!

pdanjou 24 May 2015 14:06

I just read the whole thread in one go. I thought I had some offroad experience in Asia but this Congo stuff is the real deal :O

diesel jim 1 Dec 2017 21:29

I'm just about to embark on reading this thread again....

Well worthwhile for anyone who's remotely interested in exploring.

beer at the ready....

Allie_Smit 2 Dec 2017 05:22

Enjoy the read (again)!!

Originally Posted by diesel jim (Post 574756)
I'm just about to embark on reading this thread again....

Well worthwhile for anyone who's remotely interested in exploring.

beer at the ready....

Enjoy the read ... and epic one this, with some good pointers on do's and don't's... :thumbup1:

kalboy53 3 Dec 2017 09:56

Wonderfully written account of your epic journey.
Showed massive determination and courage and you both should be applauded.
Best travel story I've read for many years. I worked in and around BC in early 70's and not a lot has changed (except for a few wars since!). Chinese influence and endemic corruption big issues now. Well done you two, keep safe.

diesel jim 25 Dec 2017 15:15

Always a good read this one is!

just finished it on Christmas day... wife and mother in law have had a few wines too many, so I've dissapeared into the study with the laptop and immersed myself in the world of DRC

Fred... where are you guys now? how is the LC?

gatogato 26 Dec 2017 00:23

Wow, thank you for making this a very entertaining Christmas day for me. I probably will never go to Africa, but I really enjoyed experiencing a piece of it with your Congo ride report.

A lot of people would call you crazy for doing a trip like this, but they do not understand how the memories and experiences from 1 year of traveling, equates to about 10 years of rat race life. I'm sure your wife and you will be talking about this trip 50 years from now. She is beautiful btw.

I'm glad that the moderators took care of the few bad apples spreading criticism. Thank you for posting an honest reflection of what your trip was like. Most people would be too afraid to report such an honest reflection of what the trip was like.


2cvfred 7 Jan 2018 11:31


Originally Posted by diesel jim (Post 575926)
Fred... where are you guys now? how is the LC?

The Landcruiser is back in Congo! I tried to salvage it after our return, structurally it was still very good, but there was too much damage that had to be repaired to be able to pass technical inspection here. Not worth it to fix all that in the end. Sold it, and it got shipped back to Congo. Probably still running around there somewhere.

We.. We are currently roaming around the Sahara a bit... still with a Landcruiser :-)



jwdg298 20 Jan 2018 05:54

Thanks for the report, thoroughly enjoyed your tale. Please tell us more about the current trip

diesel jim 12 Dec 2022 06:44


Originally Posted by diesel jim (Post 575926)
Always a good read this one is!

just finished it on Christmas day... wife and mother in law have had a few wines too many, so I've dissapeared into the study with the laptop and immersed myself in the world of DRC

Fred... where are you guys now? how is the LC?

It must be a Christmas thing..... I started re-reading this thread again haha beerbier

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