Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   HondaVsTheWorld .. So Long Canada, its been a blast (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/ride-tales/hondavstheworld-so-long-canada-its-60172)

SPDilley 12 Nov 2011 01:16

HondaVsTheWorld .. So Long Canada, its been a blast
.. Hi Guys,

I'm am just about to leave Vancouver and make my first steps into the US of A on my 24 year old Honda C90 on my way to Argentina.

I have been staying with Ernest Heminway's grandson Patrick on Granville Island Vancouver for the last few weeks helping hime rebuild his Honda Passport.
Check out my latest account of fowl mouthed antics, bike modications, floating houses, tiny homes and mountain lions!!

Honda Vs The World | Alaska to Argentina

Honda Vs The World | Alaska to Argentina


Grant Johnson 12 Nov 2011 01:52

Have a great trip Sean!

Sorry we didn't know you were here, would have been good to have a Vancouver Community get-together.

don't forget to send us something for the ezine!

Martynbiker 15 Nov 2011 19:58

Sean, you are madder than a box of frogs! I LOVE IT! :scooter:

You Sir, are REALLY an adventurer.... just goes to show who needs a BMW?

:thumbup1::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::cla p:

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