Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Ride Tales (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/ride-tales/)
-   -   Sauerkraut&Tofuwurst:Chapter II - a dog and a vegan dude on a sidecar across South Am (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/ride-tales/sauerkraut-tofuwurst-chapter-ii-dog-86154)

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 24 Feb 2016 00:12

Curves Curves Curves and a 3km descent - riding PE3N in Peru
Life in a tiny mountain village and another stretch of great riding which ended with a surprise.

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 24 Feb 2016 00:14

Canon del Pato Chuquicara to Caraz (Peru)
Another day of adventure riding. PE3N - a road with some devilish features.

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 24 Feb 2016 00:15

Reaching for the sky - A breath taking ride in Huascaran National Park
One of the best rides in Latin America. Sit back, relax and enjoy the views together with me.

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 24 Feb 2016 00:16

First trillions of potholes and then somebody stole my helmet, Huallanca - Huanuco (P
Another challenging ride for me and the bike which ended with the fact that somebody stole my helmet. But life and the journey went on :)

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 24 Feb 2016 00:17

My lessons learned from drinking Inca Kola and via Ticlio Pass to Lima
I rode the busy Ticlio pass (4818m) to Lima and finally found a vet to get the required papers for entering the EU. Wow, did I get sick this time.

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 24 Feb 2016 00:19

And a few still impressions from the past days...

More of the beauty (somewhere south of Huaraz)

What a nice idea for a bus stop waiting area.

Ticlio Pass 4818m

Mining lorries

And a extra special one for my Finnish friends and readers :D

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 24 Feb 2016 00:27

New shoes and riding the PE1S
Fixing this and that at the bike and getting out of Lima as quickly as I could...

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 24 Feb 2016 23:15

Audit of my new "Peru-helmet"
Wolfi - the certified quality lead auditor - reviews his latest purchase. Will it pass the test?

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 25 Feb 2016 21:13

Nasca Lines, broken bearing and back into the mountains
Paranoid? I do not know but I did not want to play it the Latin American way. Amazing difference between coastal and mountain roads.

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 27 Feb 2016 11:33

Puquio to Ollantaytambo - preparing for Machu Picchu (Peru)
Up and down and up and down. Riding through the Andes on my way to Machu Picchu.

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 28 Feb 2016 18:05

Ollantaytambo & how to visit Machu Picchu with a dog and vegan food
Pets are not allowed on the trains to Machu Picchu neither in Machu Picchu itself. I found two ways to visit Machu Picchu while traveling with a dog. Ollantaytambo had several veg-friendly restaurants and I could have a nice hike with Peto.

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 1 Mar 2016 13:18

I am 116 years and walked Machu Picchu
Inspired by the magic of Machu Picchu I did manage to have a great time besides the fact that I am 116 years young ;)

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 2 Mar 2016 23:51

Fantastic vegan food in Cusco
The only reason I went to Cusco was the fact that there are three vegan restaurants and the food was fantastic.

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 4 Mar 2016 18:49

Wolfi reveals his mental state from Puno at Lake Titicaca
How am I doing? Being miserable? Party party party? Here come the secrets...

SauerkrautandTofuwurst 6 Mar 2016 22:37

Bordercrossing Peru Bolivia with a dog and a motorbike
There is no entry fee for EU-citizens into Bolivia, but what about the bike and the corrupt officers? And what about Peto?

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