Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Southern Africa on a Honda CTX200 Bushlander (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/ride-tales/southern-africa-honda-ctx200-bushlander-74026)

lobkebilbo 13 Jul 2014 10:24

Great report
Please tell me what it cost you to get into Malawi, visa, road tax etc.

I want to do something similar next year.

Have a great one!

Hans Steyn

TechnomadicJim 13 Jul 2014 11:29


Originally Posted by lobkebilbo (Post 472991)
Please tell me what it cost you to get into Malawi, visa, road tax etc.

I want to do something similar next year.

Have a great one!

Hans Steyn

Hi Hans

Here's the part of my ride report about Malawi :



The visa was free and as usual the Temporary permit was free. I did have to pay 5000 MWK (about 11 USD) road fee. I also had to buy insurance for 30 days which was available 100 meters down the road and cost about 8 USD.
The visa price depends on your nationality. For me as a British citizen and for most people it is free. Check the Malawi immigration website for more info.

Good luck with your trip.

TechnomadicJim 30 Nov 2014 23:59

Hi Everyone!

Its been 4 months since I left SA. I wanted to give you all a quick update. I've been mainly catching up on work but I've also been going through all my footage and pictures. I'm going to begin editing it together soon with the idea to create a narrated mini (30 minute or so) documentary. I'll be sure to upload it to youtube and post it on here when its finished.

In the meantime here's all of my GPS traces I took on the trip collated on to one map. Its really cool to be able to visualise it in this way. It's really interesting zooming in on areas like the Messum crater in Namibia, the Makadikadi pans in Botswana and the Chimanimani mountains in Zimbabwe. All area's I was exploring without much idea of direction.


The different colours represent a different trace which is generally a different day. I've added the map to my first post too for new people who come across this thread.

l_m_g 22 Dec 2014 10:01

Loving the reportbeer

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