Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Route Planning (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/)
-   -   2wheels 2capes 2015 (…or from CapeTown to Norkapp) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/2wheels-2capes-2015-capetown-norkapp-78833)

msi999 22 Oct 2014 22:15

2wheels 2capes 2015 (…or from CapeTown to Norkapp)
We are going on now with preparation of our new trip - 2wheels 2capes or from CapeTown in South Africa to Norkapp in Norway. The idea - ride the bikes from the most southern point to most northern point in that part of the world.

We - 2 or 3 (still deciding) guys from Latvia on our KTM Adventures.
Our route - east Africa’s roads (and off-roads) from SA to Egypt, than over Mediterranean see (from Egypt or Israel), than all over Europe up to Norway.
Our mission - to meet good people in that part of the world, to see good places and events, and to tell the story to others, who can’t come with us, even to make film about our adventure.
Our timeline - we start in Feb2015 from CapeTown and we have 4-5 month for all of this. For sure - most of time we will spend in Africa.
Countries in Africa, that we plan to cross as it seems today – SA, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, probably some more places we will touch.

If anybody have any suggestions regarding our route, the countries and places we will cross, some persons we have to meet, some events we have to join, some other wonders we have see or feel – please tell us, we will be very glad and thankful. Help us make better adventure, and be with us!!! ;)

For today we are looking for such suggestions:
(for every of countries in our route)
- Main attractions, adventures and main dangers there
- border crossing experiences
- any people there, whom we can meet, who probably wants to meet such travelers
- crossing of Mediterranean see from Egypt/Israel to Europe

Our previous experience is - RoundTheWorld 2007, Arabica 2009 and many smaller trips in Europe and USA. Some galleries you can find here apPasaule, but the web is not in best condition)

Thanks in advance,
Martins Sils

PS Soon we will start our expedition web page under LAT - twowheelshotel and we try to establish also our facebook under 2wheels 2capes. See you there...;)

Tobi 23 Oct 2014 00:13

Sounds like a plan. Good luck, you´ll have loads of fun I guess. If you make it to Cologne, Germany, you´re very welcome! A hot shower and sleeping place is yours for sure.
Cheers, tobi
(on a KTM Adv. too)

andzs 23 Oct 2014 08:19


Originally Posted by Tobi (Post 483726)
Sounds like a plan. Good luck, you´ll have loads of fun I guess. If you make it to Cologne, Germany, you´re very welcome! A hot shower and sleeping place is yours for sure.
Cheers, tobi
(on a KTM Adv. too)

Thanks Tobi! Sure, stop in a Cologne sound like a good plan! Though there will be a good ride between South Africa and Germany. Check on our progress online. Keep in touch!


Andzs - 2w2c Team

scubabiker 15 Nov 2014 23:00

hi, i live in the west of norway (stord, between bergen and stavanger) i highly recommend travelling along the west coast, the fjords are stunning and the roads are great fun, the speed limits here suck, as its only 70-80kmh most of the time. sogn is well worth a visit and i highly recommend you ride through voss as the rivers and lakes there are breathtaking also. be prepared tho, everything is very expensive here, a beer costs roughly 12 euros i think

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