Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
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-   -   A Dream Lies Broken (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/a-dream-lies-broken-33503)

Robboxrv 12 Mar 2008 15:22

You must do it
Ok mate I have read your concerns, whats your route, do you need a carnet??

I have just travelled through many countries in Africa and now in Dubai and I got all the way here with out a carnet and everyone told me its NOT possible, I made it no worries, bit of ingunity (mind the spelling) at times but I made it, if you want to camp a bit keeps costs down, so with fuel and food I spend about 40 Aussie bucks a day, this includes everything from visas to new tires, since there are two of you it will not be doubled due to one bike so maybe around 60-70 bucks a day perhaps, depends how you travel I guess.

Which country you in, UK? so if you do get a carnet go down the road of the insurance option for the carnet, cost you about 700 quid then. Devalue the bike a little. There are many options mate.

You must do this trip, and face any problem that is put in front of you, I been on the road for 18 months now, Malaria Twice, maggot grew in my leg, held a gunpoint by drunken soilders and now here in Dubai my bikes been stolen, but I must go on!!!

Its all apart of it



teflon 18 Mar 2008 14:32


Originally Posted by Matt Cartney (Post 177709)
...29 is nothing, you are a mere whippersnapper...

He's got it bad though. I'm 54 and plan to cross Russia in a £60 Lada Samara.

Got no money, but stuff that. It's bears I'm worried about.:(

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