Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
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-   -   A new crazy worldtraveller is here (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/a-new-crazy-worldtraveller-here-80658)

traveljoe077 19 Feb 2015 23:02

A new crazy worldtraveller is here

I registered me at this place (which I found during my first route-plannings) and hope to found here a lot of Inspiration, Information, Fun for my coming tour.

Here are the basics:
Time to start: nearly Jan - April 2018
Travelling time ca. 1 Year
Motorcycle: BMW 1150 GS

Route Planning - V.01
- Germany
- Czech republic
- Poland
- Lithuania, Latvia
- Russia to Wladivostok
- Ferry to Japan
- Japan-Tour
- Ferry to Canada or Alaska (Alaska preferred)
- up from Alaska to California
- California to Ohio (there lives my bio-mom)
- Ohio to Florida (there lives my bio-sister)
and then....maybe...
- from FL through the southern US-States back to the Mexican border
- Mexico
- Costa Rica
- down to south of South America
and then....shipping back to Germany

When the plannes traveltime is not enough, then I stop my Trip at FL
...must see....I'm in the beginnings of planning.

And it makes already now a lot of fun :mchappy:

see you....

anonymous1 20 Feb 2015 00:03

Go Joe!

Eshark 20 Feb 2015 11:47

There is no direct passenger ferry from Vladivostok to Japan, but is ferry from Vladivostok to North Korea and from there ferry to Japan.
But who know…3 years is long time

Eshark 20 Feb 2015 17:12

Sorry, not North Korea but South Korea

aditya raj kapoor 16 Jan 2016 02:37

good luck...am doing the same from india...westwards from april 2017

*Touring Ted* 16 Jan 2016 16:37

Welcome... jeiger

aditya raj kapoor 26 Jan 2016 16:17


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 527220)
Welcome... jeiger

Hey Ted...are u out in 2017 thru 2018? Just trying to connect with route partners/riders....am westward bound ex india...Cheers!


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