Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Advice please for shipping/freighting out of Kenya (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/advice-please-shipping-freighting-out-1831)

Goose 28 Mar 2002 14:35

Advice please for shipping/freighting out of Kenya
We need to get out of Kenya to Egypt, Jordan or even India with our 1100GS. I've been banging my head against a wall trying to deal with Nairobi shipping/ freighting agencies. Can anyone give me a phone number or e.mail address of someone reliable in either Nairobi or Mombassa please.


Grant Johnson 29 Mar 2002 00:04

Try Jordan airways directly, bypass the agents. We've had good reports on them.

I'm not sure there is a good agent in Nairobi, but I'll ask around.

Flying into Cairo is a major exercise in frustration. Figure 5 days to get the bike out.

Grant Johnson

One world, Two wheels.

Menace 18 Mar 2003 19:20

I am having the same difficulties.

No point in going further north as my carnet does not include Egypt, Djibouti-Yemen doesn't look like a good idea this week, and the Saudi's are not looking too positive on giving me a transit visa.

Early estimates for air freight on my R1100GS to Amman are really high, and there is a very real prospect of disruptions and cancellations in the current environment. Sea Freight is also difficult with most shipments going up to Antwerp before they come down the other side.

I will give a full update when I get things sorted out. In the meantime, if any one has any pointers ...

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