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Gionatill 26 May 2009 12:28

:welcome:hello there a bit of a silly questions?? but there fun right!!! has anyone travelled trough/to afganistan on motorbike??? or does anyone have info about entering?visa??carnet??time best to go? locations?? problems? geting shot at??? anything really hehe ill be coming trough iran and pakistan!!!
thank you very much

motoreiter 26 May 2009 13:25

There are several fairly recent threads about riding through Afghanistan. Take a look, but my understanding is that the bottom line is: DON'T.

betterfastermore 26 May 2009 16:17

Danger in Southwest Asia
I saw this thread and had to take a look. I spent about five months in Afghanistan last year. I wasn't on a motorbike, but lets say I wasn't a tourist either. Bottom line, I would urge you to not go. It is the wild west out there, and Taliban don't really care who's country you came from. Not to mention that Afghanistan has the most unlocated landmines in the world. Let me also say that if you do go, PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE NE AND PAKISTAN BORDER! I can't emphasize that enough. A tourist on a motorbike might as well paint a sign in Dari or Pashtun that says, "Please kidnap me" No matter what political stance you take, it is a very dangerous place. Feel free to contact me if you want more details.

Gionatill 29 May 2009 20:23

any places
by the look of it it doesenet seem to save yet chame its a beautifull country i would love to visit it!!! arent there even any reagions that are marginaly save or ok ???? thank you wery much for the replies dint think it was still this bad great website and contributors!!!

DLbiten 30 May 2009 01:21

you can ask your foreign affairs office http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html

I gust do not think riding around in a war zone with a bike worth more than some of the people there will see in there lifetimes sounds like a good Idea.

but it can be done Kabul Korrespondence: How to buy a motorbike in Afghanistan PART 1: Shopping

Just not worth getting shot to me.

Omie 21 Aug 2009 06:42

Biking in Afghanistan
I travelled Afghanistan in 1977 and found it most intriguing and fascinating. Lot of time has past and many negative things have happened since then still I believe although situation is bad maybe not as bad as reported.
The reason for my opinion is that there is an active Kabul Bikers Club mostly comprised of westerners arranging tours regularly.
Might be worth exploring.

pecha72 21 Aug 2009 10:42

Finland has about 100 peacekeepers working with their Swedish counterparts in the northern Mazar-e Sharif area. This area used to be more peaceful, but has not been that way lately, as the troops have been shot at almost daily. They´ve been very lucky not to have had any casualties yet, but its just a matter of days until this will happen.

As an occasional tourist, especially with my own vehicle (but also without it), I´d simply keep away from Afghanistan for now. Plenty of places around that are equally exciting, and if you´re doing this overland route for the first time, will be equally new to you. Iran-Pakistan-India or China-Pakistan-India are a much better idea.

Gionatill 4 Apr 2010 00:40

anything new
hello there!!! im still planing on going the iran way to india south east asia etc...
ist there any news on afganistan!!! any better yet?? or are there any good passages or routes that are safe (isch) thanx hope to hear from all of you sooon

pictish 4 Apr 2010 02:48

there is a recent [sortof]ride report on adv forum regarding afghanistan

Afghanistan ride. How to enter, survive and return in one piece... - ADVrider

Gionatill 4 Apr 2010 11:35

woow great trip!!! makes you wanna get on the bike and just head east
thank you for that

betterfastermore 4 Apr 2010 13:01

Hi Gionatill,

I was one of the original posters to your first inquiry about Afghanistan. As fate would have it, I am in Afghanistan right now and still not as a tourist. I have to agree with you, this is a really beautiful country. Lots of Charm and some day it will be ready for wonderful riding and mountain resorts. Unfortunately, that time is still not yet arrived. Spring and summer is known as the fighting season, so be very weary of riding through Afghanistan. Motorcycling is very popular in Afghanistan as it is a cheap and efficient form of transportation. Unfortunately, many insurgents are using them and that makes most motorcyclist guilty by association. Especially when, say, viewed from the sky.

As for visas and entry information, I don't really know much about that. I do know that improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are exploding every day. Many of them are detonated by pressure plate, so they don't discriminate between neutral parties and say military vehicles.

Once again, I would say that if you do make this trip do NOT try to cross the NE PAKISTAN BORDER! In fact, stay far, far, away from the North East. No trip is worth your life or being a hostage. I would encourage you to ride Iran to South Pakistan to India and skip Afghanistan.

As always, if you have any question please feel free to contact me.

best of luck

Gionatill 4 Apr 2010 13:50

hello there once again thank you very much for the info!!! look like a bit of a no no atm!!! quite a shame!! as what are you in there!!? do you know anything about the countries bordering afganistas especialy turkmenistan, uzbekistan, tajistan? are they "ok" to travel through or even enter from iran?? thank you

betterfastermore 4 Apr 2010 13:59

I don't have as much information on the northern 'Stans, but they are much safer than Afghanistan. I wouls stay away from all borders with Afghanistan, especially in the north east areas. Many insurgents are crossing the borders from these countries, and so that is a concern. I guess what I mean is, if you have the ability to travel in Iran safely, you should be fine to make the cross into Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan, but stear clear of the Iran/Turkmenistan?Afghanistan triangle and the Uzbek/Afghanistan border.

That may make the trip difficult if your goal is to go south to India. But if you want to head north into Turkmenistan before heading south you would probably be safe. The circumnavigation of Afghanistan is possible, but would be a much longer and harder trip.

Hope this helps


dabarley 4 Apr 2010 16:50

how about the Wakhan corridor crossing from Irshkashim nature reserve Taj? Quit3 well documented recently on ADV...? I'm looking at it this Summer doing the Pamir and this too...

betterfastermore 6 Apr 2010 11:13

It has been fairly quiet in the far north, but I would be weary of anywhere in the NE, especially when talking about the Afghan/Pakistan border.

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