Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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wheelbase 22 Apr 2003 06:16

Africa when to go?
I am planning to ride from South Africa to Europe. I am still working on the exact route, but it will probably be South-east coast up to Ethiopia, then Sudan, Niger, Chad, Mali and up the Atlantic to Moroc.

My question is when is the best time to go?

I'd like to take about six months, but with the variations of climate it will be difficult to not be in the wrong place at the wrong time at least some places.

I will be transporing my bike from Argentina and ideally I would like to leave there in March or April, but I could delay that.

It looks like most people do Africa North to South. Any advice on doing it the other way??


Werner 22 Apr 2003 07:22

I travelled London-Cape Town down the west coast, back up to London along east coast from Oct. 2000 to March 2001. No problem with weather. In your case I suggest that you arrive in Cape Town in November. Then head north, and try to cross Sudan before the end of March. The Mauritanian Sahara route should be OK until May because of the Atlantic breeze. After that it'll be too hot.
Enjoy. This will be a great trip. Tip: Get your Sudan visa in Addis Ababa; relatively easy. Check the "Books" section of horizonsunlimited for my book about the trip, "Africa Against the Clock on a Motorcycle."

wheelbase 25 Apr 2003 23:55

Thanks Werner,

OK, here's the new plan. I leave California in Sept./ Oct. and get to Tierra del Fuego by March/ April. then I find a safe place for the bike and fly home for the summer. I'll take care of business, work on the house etc. Then in Sept/ Oct 2004 I go get the bike and ship it to South Africa (or maybe bring it to S.A. first and fly back to California from there if it's cheaper) I'll spend six months riding to Europe and a month or two in the UK fixing up the bike. Then it will be time to head out to Central Asia, finally shipping from Vladavostok to Alaska before it gets too cold. Then it's a straight shot from Alaska back to Berkeley. RTW in two years!!

What do you think?

Grant Johnson 28 Jul 2003 06:18

April in Ushuaia is a little (lot!) chilly - try to get there sooner!

The rest of it sounds good. Storing the bike in South Africa is probably easiest. Hassle in South America, due to limited times, and it's usually stamped in your passpport - can't leave the country without it!

Don't forget the HU Travellers Meetings in Mexico, Bolivia and Argentina on your way south.

Keep in touch and let us know how you do - I'll post it in the ezine.

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

wheelbase 28 Jul 2003 23:33

Thanks for the advice Grant. I'll try and leave as soon as I can- probably mid-September.

I look forward to hitting as many travelers meetings as I can. Also, I should be meeting you in Oregon this weekend! I'll be riding up with Riccardo. See you Saturday.


chris 29 Jul 2003 01:19

i would disagree with grant on his advice.

in (mainland) argentina (if you enter over a land border) you get a piece of paper (temporary import permit) allowing the bike to be in the country for 240 days (9 months) (although on tierra del fuego, they normally give you less time). there are no details in your passport. you need no carnet de passage.

to get your bike into south africa you do need a carnet de passage (although, it isn't in your passport either).

Grant Johnson 29 Jul 2003 04:58

Good to know Chris, last I heard was re TDF, and it was a very short time.

Don't forget you will need a carnet for all of Southern Africa, so you need one regardless.

Parking the bike is probably better in South Africa - Cape Town - anyway, as the BMW dealers are good and helpful. Trefco is excellent. Contact details on the links page.

Perhaps contact them to see about parking the bike and see what they say. You can also contact the Viedma (and other) Communities in Argentina and see about parking the bike there.

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

wheelbase 29 Jul 2003 23:21

Thanks guys. You have given me a few things to think about.

Actually, I was not going to get a carnet until I head to Africa as it doesn't sound like I need it to ride from the US to Argentina. That tends to make me think parking the bike in Argentina makes the most sense. That way, I can get the carnet while I am back home.

Also, I think it is cheaper to fly myself from Buenos Aires to San Francisco and back than from South Africa.

I guess the thing to do will be to contact the HU comunities in Argentina and find a good place to leave the bike for a few months next summer.

Dave and Sam KTM 3 Aug 2003 01:45

if you are going to start hitting travellers i`m staying out of your way, you might be bigger than me. on a lighter note, we are in honduras at the moment, and will be in colombia by late august and argentina late nov. see you along the way, maybe. ------------------

[This message has been edited by Dave and Sam KTM (edited 02 August 2003).]

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