Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Alsace Region (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/alsace-region-54992)

the drifter 20 Jan 2011 20:21

Alsace Region
could anyone please tell me were i can get a detailed road map of the Alsace Region in France. i have contacted there tourist board but they dont seem to be much help.

afear 20 Jan 2011 20:28

map elsass
at any bookshop, Michelin has good maps:innocent:

Redboots 20 Jan 2011 20:36


Originally Posted by the drifter (Post 320497)
could anyone please tell me were i can get a detailed road map of the Alsace Region in France.

Take your pick of IGN maps from this lot at Amazon, including one waterproof version...
Amazon.co.uk: ign maps france

IGN is similar to Ordnance Survey...


dave08 20 Jan 2011 21:05

you may get what you need here Alsace/Lorraine/Vosges Maps and Travel Books from Stanfords


ntvfrog 21 Jan 2011 14:01

If you're staying on tarmac Michelin or AA road atlas of France should be more than enough - both about 3.5miles/inch with even the smallest roads shown. Any good bookshop should sell them.

If you're plannning trails/offroad, get the ign. As redboots says they're like the French ordnance survey

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