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Spud 25 Mar 2004 16:55

Alternative route to India? - Afghanistan?
After riding to Singapore from the UK in 2002, I am considering riding back again but looking at a different route.

I think Afghanistan on the whole is far to early to consider.. although...there does seem to be a very thin area on the north east part of the country. The route I can see is a road that follows the border of Tajikistan and Afghanistan and stops at 'Ab Gach'. Across a small part of Afghansitan and then to a town in Pakistan called 'Lasht'.

Link to a map:


Anyone considered this way and found out that it's not possible or far too dangerous to consider?

Welcome any information. (A friend is visiting relatives in Rawalpindi, Pakistan so I hope to get some info on the area on that side)

nick_horley 25 Mar 2004 23:23

I don't know the area you describe - I can only give you general info about travel in Af:

Maps are no help to you at all. Don't try ANY roads outside Kabul without getting up to the minute local info from someone reliable, e.g. an aid agency which uses the roads in question. You will probably be shot like that poor Italian guy. (Search on this site and you'll find him.)

I have a friend who works in Af and I recently spent time there....it's hard to imagine a more risky country to travel in. Give it a try, but don't take any risks - you really need to be in a convoy with aid agency or military vehicles and even then you may well be shot or killed by a mine. It happens to aid agency staff every week, even though they have guards, security advisors, etc. 99% of the people are incredibly friendly and law abiding. Unfortunately the bad 1% control pretty much everything outside Kabul.

[This message has been edited by nick_horley (edited 25 March 2004).]

Spud 26 Mar 2004 00:01

Thanks for the reply Nick.
I did meet someone who was working in Kabul last year and they said the country was pretty much out of control in certain areas. These seemed to be certainly Kandaha area but I didn't really ask about the area I am looking at now. If it's a case of going with an Aid agency or military then I think it's probably out of the question. Don't fancy burdoning myself on anyone.
Oh well..more research to be done!

usl 26 Mar 2004 02:42

I was at Afg. for three weeks in July for business.

People are great. Very friendly and helpful. Unfortunately they are not the ones who is controling the country but the tribe leaders.
And in last two months they kidnapped turkish two engineers and killed one. The kidnapped ones were returned after some time and god knows what they received in return.

The area you mention is controlled by one of those tribes (cant recall the name) and i dont know any legal border between the locations you mentioned.

This is my two cent

Spud 29 Mar 2004 12:54

Cheers for your input.
We shall have to do some more research I think. See what the real situation is and if I find out any more news then I shall post it. Not sure if I was looking for 'legal borders there anyway http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/wink.gif Well, as I said.. lets see and find out some more info. If anyone has actually been up that end of Pakistan and heard of the situation across the border then any info would be appreciated.

ollieholden 29 Mar 2004 13:46

I think the strip of land you are talking about is the Wakhan Corridor (somebody correct me if I have got this completely wrong). I very much doubt that this would be a feasible route for a) military and b) geographical reasons. This is a pretty sensitive area in a very sensitive region and not only that is extremely mountainous (Hindu Kush/Karakorams). It isn't a place you could get through unnoticed.

If you do get through to Pak, I would recommend Chitral and the track over the top to Gilgit. We did it in a Landrover in 2001, would be great on a bike. Also the Hunza valley. The whole area is absolutely fantastic.

Hope this helps


Goetz 13 Apr 2004 02:19

It IS the Wakhan Corridor.
A zone built by the russian and british empires during the "Great Game" in the 19th century.
Legal border crossing seems to me out of consideration.
Due to my maps it seems a day of ride between Lasht and Ab Gach, an estimated 250km.
BUT: you ought to buy a "protection" for this area. AND your "protectors" might consider the "protected" not worthwhile to be protected.
OR very much "worthwhile" to be protected.
Ye dig me I guess.
Military advice:
During the times of the rein of the talibans they could never get hold of the Wakhan Corridor. The Corridor itself was the shelter of the Northern Alliance (heavily supported by the US) thence.
So there won´t be no landmines set up between 1996 and 2002.
But I don´t know about the time of the soviet occupation 1979-1999.
My wife and I will be on the Tajik/Afghan border in july 2004.
Ask us maybe we know more in the future


ïóòü = öåëü

Spud 13 Apr 2004 15:18

Cheers Goetz.
Be good to hear from you in July!

Fritz 15 Apr 2004 20:00

I've been pondering (very early and sketchy)details for getting from 'stans to Pakistan. I ruled out the Afganistan idea on safety(not that all the 'stans are 100%) but wondered about possibilities through China. Not on bike, but with bike on back of truck and us as passengers. Not sure if this is entirely out of the question or not - anyone any experiences ? any practical experiences welcomed
Seems a long way back round to Pakistan if your up in Tajikistan or so.
A very useful resource for maps online appears to be www.lib.utexas.edu/maps seems to cover quite a bit of difficult to get data areas.

Spud 15 Apr 2004 20:06

It's an idea Fritz.. so lets see if anyone has any ideas on that. My friend came back from Pakistan (family live in Kashmir) the other day. They all think I would be safer going through Iran again. Aparently that area of Afghanistan (and any other area I have looked at!) is just too dangerous at the moment. Anyway, lets do some more investigation work and see. I would love to get through China though!! http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Spud (edited 15 April 2004).]

Grant Johnson 16 Apr 2004 02:19

RE China - have a look at the March 2004 ezine. http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

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