Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Antarctica (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/antarctica-45711)

Cameron 22 Oct 2009 05:36

Hi GSAriderone,
You are lucky to have an opportunity to easily get your bike to Antarctica.
If you really want to do it go ahead. It would be a pretty cool thing to do.
Then the hard part(and Fun) is riding on the six other continents.
And as for a 1200gs not weighing that much, just wait until you have to load it into a canoe and then drag it up a 15 foot river bank:lol2:.

Jake 22 Oct 2009 10:26

Gsa I am glad you have decided to listen to views of people who are from outside your peer group and that you recognise that even small actions of your own doing have a larger effect on the lands you visit - I really appreciate the fact that you have taken notice of many comments some of which may seemed harsh - but display the feeling of people from various backgrounds - I may not agree with your planned trip but wish you well in your travels.

GSARiderOne 22 Oct 2009 13:40


Originally Posted by Cameron (Post 261120)
Hi GSAriderone,
You are lucky to have an opportunity to easily get your bike to Antarctica.
If you really want to do it go ahead. It would be a pretty cool thing to do.
Then the hard part(and Fun) is riding on the six other continents.
And as for a 1200gs not weighing that much, just wait until you have to load it into a canoe and then drag it up a 15 foot river bank:lol2:.

Your right there. I would huff and puff for sure. But rolling it in and out of any airplane would not be that hard. On this trip, even the panniers could be mostly empty.

GSARiderOne 22 Oct 2009 13:47


Originally Posted by adventure950 (Post 261149)
Gsa I am glad you have decided to listen to views of people who are from outside your peer group and that you recognise that even small actions of your own doing have a larger effect on the lands you visit - I really appreciate the fact that you have taken notice of many comments some of which may seemed harsh - but display the feeling of people from various backgrounds - I may not agree with your planned trip but wish you well in your travels.

My intent is to have fun and go somewhere where not many people have the opportunity to travel. As my GSA has become somewhat of a "friend" to me, I would like to take it. But I never intended or would want to cause any issues, especially in Antarctica. WE need to preserve it and in fact, treat more of the world in a similar manner. As I am also a Cub Scout Leader, I am an advocate of the :Leave No Trace" belief. I teach this to my scouts. So believe me when I say I will be careful not to create any issues. Like I said above, I 'm not above taking it with all fluids and such removed. In fact, as I see it, this would bring light to the fact that we need to treat Antarctica differently. So while we ride about the rest of the world on our motorbikes without much care, in Antarctica, we push our bikes. Boy does that seem strange.

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