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Anyone been to Magadan?
Searching for someone that has travelled to or from Magadan through Russia. Need some advices for my next journey. Anyone?
Furthermore, rumours says that the Chukotca region is a military area. Is this correct or not? Many thanx for replies!!! |
Just watch your TV;
see www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000274.html Freek (who wants to do it also) [This message has been edited by Freek (edited 25 August 2002).] |
Thanks Freek
I do not have access to that station. So if you catch the riders names you are welcome to notify me. By the way, do you know if Magadan is the end of their journey? |
Yes, Magadan is the end of their route. Last week was the first report from St.Petersburg to Novosibirsk. Good roads, no problems. I keep you informed. Freek (NL) [This message has been edited by Freek (edited 26 August 2002).] |
Hi Freek!
As a see we have the same rute in plan(thanks for reply to my post) Have u consider a possibility to go like i plan(offroad from Magadan to Bering strate than to Alaska by boat) I have a email contact with one guy from Anadyr,he is realy helpfull,he sended me a map of chukotka(from chukotka's road department)and I asked him to check the fuel availablety,how and where to cross rivers,locals who can help,possebility for a boat to Alaska,...etc.... He will get me that information soon(already answerd some of them)... So,if going there is not a big problem,im thinking of dooing it. It will be a 'real' adventure(unlike sticking just to the roads)equal to going trough Sahara,or like... I have all so read in some newspaper article of a mitting of goverment representatives of Alaska and Chukotka,thay signed a document of cooperation betwin two regions,bla,bla,bla... Enyway,thay obligated to inprove comunications betwin,and astablish a ferry service in a 'realy near future'!? So if u want to exchange information on that area email me or post.Would u like me to email u with the information I get from the guy in Anadyr? If I decide to do it,I would like to have some company(on that section especialy)if u are up to some real adventure,ride whare no one has ever before,let me know! Whare did u get a information that Chukotka is a military area!? Cheers! jondoe http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif |
Sure I'm interested in more info. Maybe you better post it here, so everyone can read it. About the millitary area; I've read somewhere that on both sides off the Beringstreet are a lot off millitary installations to keep an eye on each other. My plans are long-therm-plans. Not within 2 years. I want to go from Anchorage to Oregon, and then follow the transamtrail www.transamtrail.com to the eastcoast. Then to Iceland(new ferry ?), and by ferry to Norway or Denmark. Freek (NL) |
http://en.ktm.at/news/newsdetail.asp?id=764&WO=5 Freek |
Thanks again Freek
I saw the site and I understand that the KTM guys ended their journey in Jakutsk and did not drive all the way to Magadan. The mountain crossing ahead from Jakutsk to Magadan seems to be a challenge due to bad road conditions. I'm not sure in what way the stretch are bad (swamps, rocks etc..?). Yet it must be passable in some way since others have succeeded. |
I've seen the report on TV.
After they past novosibirksk they have to deal with bad weather and flooded rivers, so they took a boat on the Lena river and went up to Jakoetsk. From there they rode a bit around town and ended their journey. Not much detailed info was given on the report. Freek (NL) |
Try this site - it has a very good account of a 4x4 trans Russian expedition.
http://www.turtleexpedition.com/index.html |
Ta. |
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