Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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bubbalouie 25 Jul 2009 13:25

Argentina - west or north?
I was planning on renting a motorcycle and touring Argentina. As I have only 3 weeks vacation, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on whether go to Salta/Cafayate/Ischigualasto or Mendoza/Chile/Bariloche, or a combination of the two? Do you think I will have enough time to do both?

Also, is Quebrada de Humahuaca canyon worth going to? I see it's a UNESCO site. I've been to another UNESCO site and found it really interesting.


Lisa Thomas 25 Jul 2009 15:02

oh dear....
what a choice to have to make!
all areas are fantastic.....as is the whole of Argentina! what a great country it is - Id go back any day.

so - umm- my choice for 3 weeks - you could do both but why not do Bariloche - Mendoza - Chile first and then if you do this quicker than you originally thought you could.. you can always then head on up to Salta etc.. ( also great too!)

Riding on up through the mountains above Mendoza is an area for you to check out - some nice off road mountain roads with loads of wild camping.

ahh - makes me want to go back right now! but we are in Japan now so its a bit too far.

cheers - have fun

bubbalouie 31 Jul 2009 05:31

thanks for your insight lisa; i definitely want to include mendoza in my itinerary, so Bariloche-Mendoza-Chile makes sense to me; cheers!
don't drink too much sake!

bubbalouie 2 Aug 2009 03:18

that's interesting waterfox; i'm actually from western canada (alberta) and i enjoy riding through british columbia; i like how the northwest argentina is so different so i definitely want to go there but i wouldn't mind riding through bariloche either if it's a lot like bc

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