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sjbarrow 5 Jun 2001 13:53

Around Australia
First of all, I would like to thank all of you that replied to my UK to OZ thread, 26 replies is amazing.

However due to funds / time that particular trip isn't going to happen.

However the new plan (which is already in the early stages of prep) is to travel around Oz on my XT600, starting from Perth, going clockwise (with the weather), returning to Perth.

I would like any information of some good places to visit on the trip as some great roads which shouldn't be missed. I have approximately 1 year for this trip, so time isn't to much of an issue.



sjbarrow 20 Jun 2001 14:20

Come on guys and girls,

Theres got to be some suggestions out there?

stanoverlander 21 Jun 2001 00:24

Stay off the tarmac! Theres no excuse .....
Travelled the ´Gunbarrel Highway´ on an XT600 (not the laverton ,Warburton route the other one) Worth every minute. Also travelled around the Northern Territories-Bungle, Bungles ,Oodnadat track and Tanami in a Landcruser-all would be good on the bike. Wish I´d done the whole thing on a bike but started with the cruiser then got a bike when it blew up...Distances are huge so be well prepared..Have a good one!

Stephan Solon 24 Jun 2001 18:07

Go to Mataranka - 100kms south of Katherine. Generally the whole Top End is fantastic between May and August.

atgreg 2 Jul 2001 12:35

For a lot of good info about oz check out thesesites. http://www.osa.com.au/~shaun/outback/


sjbarrow 5 Jul 2001 18:54


Which maps would you recommend, most of my maps are the Hema range, is there any more detailed maps I should get, or should I use these as a base and just get maps of the additional routes I intend to do such as the Gibb River Road.


atgreg 6 Jul 2001 12:59


thats the idea , the HEMA maps are pretty good for most things and if you tried to carry detailed maps of most areas on your bike there'd be no room left for anything else.

When will you be in Oz and for how long ??.

e'll have to have a beer when you are in sydney.

sjbarrow 6 Jul 2001 14:25

No fixed dates yet, but my plan is to be in Oz for about a year, so will be spending a month or so in Sydney to explore. I have done the usual tourist things before, but I intend to explore a little further.

I would love to meet up with anyone out there when I have specific dates I will let you know, I am still in early planning though.

Also if anyone wishes to join me on a couple of routes I have no problem with that and would probably be glad of the company after a while.


Cuppa500 7 Jul 2001 20:17

G'day folks,
Last November/December I rode my Triumph Thunderbird, with my 15 year old son pillion, 14000kms from our home in south east Victoria to Darwin & back, via South Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory. I've written an account of it which if you are interested send me an email, ( ilock@vic.australis.com.au )& I'll send you a copy. I originally included over 80 photos but it was just to big to send electronically, so I'm afraid I can only send the text only version (about 67kb.) I'm not suggesting that it's a definitive text on 'round Oz, or anything, just my experience which I hope may be of some interest to fellow travellers.

(from the Strzlecki Ranges, Australia)

dingofish 8 Jul 2001 17:46

Ya gotta see the kimberleys (mitchell platuea), bungle bungles, wolf creek meteorite crater, etc. The gibb river road can be excrutiating corrugations (that was 10 years ago), then you can cross the tanami track via rabbit flat. after that take your pick. I did the gunbarrel (the proper one), oodnadatta track, birdsville track. did the strezlecki the year before that.
If your in NSW7 Victria around summer try going ovet the alpine way in the snowy mountains abd other routes there, very nice. Also the great ocean road at the bottom of victoria is not too be missed. Could rave on and on but just get out their and fire up.

atgreg 9 Jul 2001 08:38


there are a few offroad tourer meetings in Oz next year that you might want to work in to your schedule.

2 in August , 1st in the Flinder's Ranges South Australia , then 1 week later at Urandangie in Outback Qld.

Also end of october at Tibooburra.

I'll be going to all of these.

adam rendell 18 Jul 2001 12:52

hi greg,
is that august 1st? where abouts in the flinders ranges?
i,ll be up there then and it sounds ideal


atgreg 19 Jul 2001 14:48


were talking August 2002 here;

7,8,9 August , The Honda V-Twinners, http://www.geocities.com/atgreg/ , are having a meeting at Arkaroola,
http://www.arkaroola.on.net/ , in the Nth Flinders Ranges. All offroad tourers are welcome to attend.

14,15 August , is the "Offcentre Rally" , held every 2 years , somewhere on the edge of Central Australia , it alternates between the west and the east. In 2002 it is at Urandangie in far western Qld.Have a look around the Oz Adventure Riders site for more info, http://www.users.bigpond.com/rto/ozhome.htm

A group of us will be going to Arkaroola and then heading up the Birdsville track to Urandangie. Hope to see you there.

[This message has been edited by atgreg (edited 19 July 2001).]

[This message has been edited by atgreg (edited 19 July 2001).]

[This message has been edited by atgreg (edited 19 July 2001).]

airhead 23 Jan 2002 02:54

ok friends,

it´s 2002 already now. will show up in oz (melb.) by the end of april.
any events, rallies...planned for may already?


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