Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Australia and South East Asia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/australia-and-south-east-asia-1798)

Jasmine and Andrew 6 Jan 2003 07:39

Australia and South East Asia
Andrew and I are planning to ride around Australia and Asia for our first trip leaving September 2003. Andrew has just bought a Yamaha TT600, I am looking at at Honda Dominator 650. We would love if anyone had any tips for us, which way to go, what to take, were to stay, ect ect. We have never done long distances. We live in Brisbane we were going to go up North first then accros to Darwin, get our boats shipped to Singapore (any info, prices ect people have would be great!!) ride around Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. Then back over to Darwin and continue around the coast. Any information on costs involved would be great as well, being the fist time we don't know how much we need to take with us, we won't to do it as cheap as possible.

Look forward to hearing from you all!!!

Jaz and Drew.

David and Cheryl Laing 6 Jan 2003 10:07

Been there done that so could be of a lot of use to you. we rode 2 honda Shodows. Phone us. 02 49970139.

migs 12 Jan 2003 19:21

Cheers! from the Philippines. Wouldn't you consider a to make the Phillipines a part of your trip? Bets time to travel in this parts are after the rains December to June

Many interesting places to see here, if interested I can email you all the sites and places to visit.


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