Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   From Australia to France - Mars 2020 to September 2020 - DR650 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/australia-france-mars-2020-september-97696)

OZ2FR 23 Mar 2019 10:30

From Australia to France - Mars 2020 to September 2020 - DR650
Hi mates,

My name is Romain, I'm 24 years old French and unfortunately for my mother, I'm hungry for adventure.
I'm currently working as an mechanical engineer in Sydney and plan a big trip for a departure date in march 2020 riding my DR650 back to France in about 6-8 months.

I've been thinking that for a while and started the organization and bike preparation few month ago.

My itinerary seems to be :

Australia - 2 month loop from Sydney to Sydney by the east coast to Darwin, then heading to Adelaide via the Simpson desert and back to Sydney. I then plan to ship the bike from Sydney airport to Kuala Lumpur airport ( Thanks to BikesAbroad and Ivan )

Then, no more flight just road and tracks through :
- Malaysia
- Thailand
- Myanmar
- India
- Nepal
- India
- Pakistan
- Iran
- Turkey
- Greece
- Albanie
- Croatie
- Montenegro
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Slovenia
- Italia
- France

I'm then looking for some advice/comments in regards with visa and motorbike imports, border crossing points and so :)

I would really appreciate your help and any advice that you travelers, could provide me :)

Thanks a lot in advance,

Romain - Instagram : OZ2FR :scooter:

tim.angus 23 Mar 2019 12:15

Try and get visas before you go if you can plan it that far. You will have all the embassys/ consulates in Sydney/Canberra and as you have residency I assume starting out with as much paperwork prepared will save you a lot of hassle. I have just got my Indian visa which cost me a lot in Malaysia. I was going to wait until Thailand then learnt only Thai’s can get an Indian visa in Thailand. Also look at getting a Carnet to save you paying import charges. Contact the Automobile Association of Malaysia who can arrange insurance and an ICP document. He can be reached at klcheong92@gmail.com. They can cover you for 60 days.

Snakeboy 24 Mar 2019 05:20

Oh man - youre gonna miss out Indonesia? Thats the absolut highlight of my similar trip. And I have heard quite a few other travellers saying the same. Ship from Darwin to Dili in East Timor, its a quick shipment, max 4-5 days I belive....and even though a bit costly still cheaper than flying your bike to KL.

Snakeboy 24 Mar 2019 05:23


Originally Posted by tim.angus (Post 597865)
Try and get visas before you go if you can plan it that far. You will have all the embassys/ consulates in Sydney/Canberra and as you have residency I assume starting out with as much paperwork prepared will save you a lot of hassle. I have just got my Indian visa which cost me a lot in Malaysia. I was going to wait until Thailand then learnt only Thai’s can get an Indian visa in Thailand. Also look at getting a Carnet to save you paying import charges. Contact the Automobile Association of Malaysia who can arrange insurance and an ICP document. He can be reached at klcheong92@gmail.com. They can cover you for 60 days.

A Carnet would be absolutely mandatory going through Malaysia, India, Pakistan etc. I have just read that the Malaysian AA doesnt issue Carnets anymore. But in any case - wouldnt it be better to get a Carnet in Australia for an australian plated bike?

DerekNZ 4 Apr 2019 09:55

Hi OZ2FR, we are looking at travelling from Australia to Uk around the same time as you, with a similar route. We are two up on a KTM 990.

When do you plan to cross Myanmar? It would be good to team up and share the costs of a guide. At this early stage of planning we are considering late April/early May, but we are flexible.


OZ2FR 8 Apr 2019 11:07

@tim.angus Yes thanks for the advise, I'll try to get those thing sorted out before leaving, well I'll try ah ah :)

@Snakeboy yes mate was my initial plan but didn't find a company able to ship the bike from Darwin to Indonesia. If you've got some company names, happy to know :)
Yes, I definitely plan to buy the Carnet de Passage in Australia, Thanks.

@ DerekNZ Yes mate definitely, would be great to catch up. Where qre you qt the moment ? Send me a DM if you wish

Do you guys have travel agency names to cross Thailand, Myanmar and Pakistan ? I heard about dealing with them is mandatory for those countries.



Snakeboy 8 Apr 2019 18:29

For shipping Darwin to Dili try ANL : https://www.anl.com.au/
Or Bollore: https://www.bollore-logistics.com/en.../Services.aspx

Or join this Facebookgroup and ask there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5233...815/?ref=share

And for Myanmar crossing try this facebookgroup, Javier Sanchez and Osuga get really good reviews: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1525...738/?ref=share

For Thailand - if you cross by landborder there is not much reason to get a guide - as most travellers nowadays get into Thailand without guides and permits. Try to contact David Goodchild at Plodd Stop, he is on Facebook and he is sometimes on this forum as well - he is the man to contact for crossing Thailand.

DerekNZ 10 Apr 2019 12:34


It appears that because I have only 1 post rather than the 3 required, I cant PM you.

A quick up date of where we are at; Living in NZ at the moment and planning to ship the bike to Brisbane in Australia at the end of this year. Hoping to cross from Darwin to Dilli in East Timor at the end of Jan 2020. We hope to be in Malaysia in early March. And hoping to cross Myanmar around the start of May 2020.

From Pakistan we plan to head North through the Karakoram Highway and do the "Stans". The impression I get is that we do not need a guide for Thailand or the northern part of Pakistan. I think the guide is only required for the southern part of the country.

Let me know if this fits with your schedule.


gbags 31 May 2019 17:08

Hi Guys,
I’m very interested in this trip.
How do you plan to get through Pakistan?

Taf 16 Jun 2019 07:05

Hi all
Hi All,

I'm Brisbane based and I am looking at riding a bike from Kuala Lumpar to the UK in early to mid 2020.

I'm wondering if you have any information regarding the Myanmar section and if you have a group formalised to travel with as yet?


DerekNZ 26 Jun 2019 10:39


Originally Posted by Taf (Post 601376)
Hi All,

I'm Brisbane based and I am looking at riding a bike from Kuala Lumpar to the UK in early to mid 2020.

I'm wondering if you have any information regarding the Myanmar section and if you have a group formalised to travel with as yet?


Hi Taf

When are are you looking to cross Mayanmar? We are looking at late April/early May 2020. So far I have looked up a couple of companies that will guide across Mayanmar, and joined a facebook page called "Myanmar Special Overland Permits Forum".

So to be fair I've done feck all...Considering it is 10 months away, I am probably well sorted.:thumbup1:


Joe1234 12 Aug 2020 22:21


Originally Posted by Taf (Post 601376)
Hi All,

I'm Brisbane based and I am looking at riding a bike from Kuala Lumpar to the UK in early to mid 2020.

I'm wondering if you have any information regarding the Myanmar section and if you have a group formalised to travel with as yet?


Hello Taf,

I hope you are well.
Did you manage to start your adventure despite the COVID? or did you postpone it?

On my side I was thinking of travelling from Europe down to Kuala Lumpur in 2022. My plan is to ride accross Turkey, Iran and then link it to the Pamir. Then crossing China and Pakistan. Afterwards continuing through India until Malaysia.

Although you are doing the trip in the opposite direction, maybe we could share some information.

take care


Ilan Friedman 22 Aug 2020 18:35


Originally Posted by OZ2FR (Post 597863)
Hi mates,

My name is Romain, I'm 24 years old French and unfortunately for my mother, I'm hungry for adventure.
I'm currently working as an mechanical engineer in Sydney and plan a big trip for a departure date in march 2020 riding my DR650 back to France in about 6-8 months.

I've been thinking that for a while and started the organization and bike preparation few month ago.

My itinerary seems to be :

Australia - 2 month loop from Sydney to Sydney by the east coast to Darwin, then heading to Adelaide via the Simpson desert and back to Sydney. I then plan to ship the bike from Sydney airport to Kuala Lumpur airport ( Thanks to BikesAbroad and Ivan )

Then, no more flight just road and tracks through :
- Malaysia
- Thailand
- Myanmar
- India
- Nepal
- India
- Pakistan
- Iran
- Turkey
- Greece
- Albanie
- Croatie
- Montenegro
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Slovenia
- Italia
- France

I'm then looking for some advice/comments in regards with visa and motorbike imports, border crossing points and so :)

I would really appreciate your help and any advice that you travelers, could provide me :)

Thanks a lot in advance,

Romain - Instagram : OZ2FR :scooter:

Hey Romain! I'd love to hear if you began your trip what with Covid Craziness.

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