Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Australia into Asia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/australia-into-asia-82834)

martync 23 Jul 2015 05:27

Australia into Asia

Not been here in a very long time.

Has anyone recently shipped a bike from Australia to Indonesia (Maybe Bali) then ridden through Asia, maybe putting a bike on a ferry to get to main land Indonesia then Thailand, Vietnam etc...

How much was the shipping and what companies.

Any other hints or tips appreciated.

I now work month on month off and was thinking to do a bit of a tour in bits n bobs with an averaged sized trail bike. Is China easy to get into or would you suggest buying one there and travelling through China?

yokesman 24 Jul 2015 14:32

This is what I have in my reference doc,
Darwin to Dilli,East Timor or Timor Leste
Total cost for shipping the bike (Toll Marine) with the panniers fitted and uncrated from Darwin to Dilli was only $420,
FYI,I did not date the info.enjoy your trip we look forward to going the other way.
The communist countries seem to require guides and the cost that follow.so going in and getting a bike to travel seems to be the least costly.

martync 25 Jul 2015 09:40

Thanks for the info, almost worth doing that even for a holiday :-)

bk190502 13 Aug 2015 03:53

I have no idea about shipping bike but would like to give some advice about your mainland plan there:

From Philippine to Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China...most of the country will ask for the Carnet de Passage, International Driver License, insurance...Vietnam, China, Myanmar will required permit from a local tour operator to be your sponsor. China has manay cities, highway which are not allow motorbike.


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