Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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harrybo1 29 Jan 2010 19:04

best maps for balkans
seeking advice on best maps for the balkans romainia bosnia kosovo macidonia albainia montengro croatia serbia slovinia. many thanks guys

everywherevirtually 29 Jan 2010 19:11

I found these to be very good on The Balkan leg of Sibirsky Extreme

Amazon.co.uk: geocenter maps

Euromaps from geocenter. You can buy them in Waterstones.

The map for the Balkans is 1:800 000 and is entitled Croatia and Slovenia. It actually covers a small bit of Italy near Ancona port, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia and small portions of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria. It was the single most useful map of the trip for me. The detail is very good and comes into it's own when you are making your own tracks on the Garmin ;)

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