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ed9489 24 Jun 2011 16:16

Best place to begin Eastern Europe trip
So as I mentioned in my other thread, today I've had to scrap my plans to visit Iran and the Caucasus as I'm apparently considered an undesirable by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Instead, (and with only two weeks to plan) I'm leaning towards a trip through Eastern Europe. My main interest is the Balkans, although I'm also keen to see Belarus and the Baltic states.

I was thinking about starting in Latvia, heading down through Lithuania to Belarus, then Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, all of the Balkan states and Bulgaria (in any order).

That might be a bit ambitious for five weeks so I'm considering cutting it down to the SE regions, but what I really need is advice on a starting point.

I'm going to have to buy a bike, would prefer something around 500cc and air-cooled (single or twin), preferably a cruiser or possibly an enduro bike but would happily ride a CG125 clone if necessary. Kickstart is a big plus. Key caveat is CHEAP and rough - preferably under 1000 euro. I can take care of a rough bike but am doing this trip on the super cheap.

Can anyone recommend a city where I can buy something cheap and register it easily as a non-EU resident? At worst I'm considering starting in Munich where a friend can register the bike for me.

I don't want to start in the Balkans since I don't want to be riding around with numberplates from a disliked country but could conceivably start anywhere in Eastern Europe and just wing it. Turkey or Greece is another option, if the Greeks don't set all of their vehicles on fire in the next 14 days.

Any tips on routes, destinations or bike shopping/registration would be much appreciated.

Warthog 7 Jul 2011 10:47

Call me biased, but any reason why you're not factoring Estonia into a Baltic tour?

Also, where do you actually live? Knowing that lets others suggest routes to a particular point for you to start your tour.

If you have five weeks, unless you just want a blur of roads, tracks and exhausted stops in towns, I'd cut down you route, whether you start in the north or south, down to about 4 coutries, tops Even then it will be a rush, and that ain't fun!!

(unless you like rushing, in which case just move to London and everyday will be an adventure....:D)

henryuk 7 Jul 2011 11:10

I've got a UK registered bike in Greece that you can have for 1000 GBP - it's a 650 Honda Dominator with a large top-box, lock chain and racks for soft luggage, but then get something back from selling it at the end of the trip? Balkans are great, but so are Bulgaria and Romania.

How long do you have?

ed9489 7 Jul 2011 11:19

Warthog: I've basically reached the same conclusion, although I hate relaxing holidays and actually prefer to rush around. I cut most of the Baltics to keep the itinerary manageable, but really wanted to see Belarus and Ukraine, mainly for Minsk and Pripyat respectively. I've since decided that I don't have time to apply for a regular visa for Ukraine and don't want to pay double to expedite it for just a few days, when I would still have to fly into Belarus (I'm an Australian living in Denmark so no consular coverage for a visa that would allow me to enter by road).

The latest version of the plan has been to start in Germany since it's easier to buy a bike and get export plates and then make straight for the Balkans. I'll leave Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics for another day when I can take some more time there. If I have time I can visit Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova (mainly for Transdniestr).

Henry: That does sound tempting. I'll have to look at some logistics since there's someone I want to visit in Berlin and I've already got a ticket there. How long will you be in Greece? I'm leaving Denmark on 12.07 and am pretty much aimless until I have to be in Lebanon on 18.08. How would we effect rego transfer, since I don't think I can easily register a UK bike?

henryuk 7 Jul 2011 11:45

I'm not in Greece, the bike is though, it's being held for me in Xanthi but I'm struggling to get time off work to pick it up (long story). I could even chuck in a few hundred quid or guarantee to buy it back from you if you manage to return it to the UK!

motoreiter 7 Jul 2011 13:22

Any particular reason you're so interested in Minsk? Just curious what I'm missing...

ed9489 7 Jul 2011 13:41

Seems interesting in a slightly mental way, plus I've heard very, very good things about the nightlife there.

I'm not so much into travelling to see great views (although I do love mountains), old churches or ancient ruins so much as modern history and places with interesting people.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 7 Jul 2011 13:50

Honda Dominator is also good bike for long distance roads even off-road.So if you decide to visit Turkey, will be pleasure for our club to meet you for adventure talks,welcome drinks and we will donate you with best destinations,advices, tips and maps for a wonderful holiday here.
All friendly offer that includes our club garage support, too.

Wish you all the best.

mehmet zeki avar.

note..: for 1 week period route, we certainly recommend everyone to visit, Dardanelles,Ephesus,Pamukkale,Cappadocia,Nemrut,St one road,Zigana Pass then first or last stage magnificient İstanbul before riding back to Europe...

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