Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Best way to Manaus? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/best-way-to-manaus-2061)

Stretcher Monkey 1 Jan 2005 00:50

Best way to Manaus?
Currently rejuvenating some nerve endings in the nether region and enjoying Reveillon in Natal, Brazil. Next stage is going West into Venezuela. I want to cut down on the 6 day boat trip from Belem to Manaus. Anyone know if Santarem is truly accesible by road, (BR230, BR163), and if so is a boat from there,(3 days), an option?
Feliz Novo Ano.

Mick Pugh

There's no justice, just us.

mmaarten 5 Jan 2005 05:16


There "should" be a road to santareme..... But it is rain-seison right now...

There is a phone-number you can call for info... but I don,t have it. It,s available at most fuel-stations (in brazil).

Have fun.


- www.maartensworld.com -
- Some photo's -

tucan 10 Jan 2005 21:08

i have heard that the road to santarem is truely miserable , becoming impassable in the rainy season .
my advice would be to put it i freight barge from belem to manaus for 7 to 8 days of tranquil bliss.
if you want phone numers etc let me know and i shall get them for you

Stretcher Monkey 10 Jan 2005 21:22

Thanks for you replies fellas. I will take your advice and head for Belem. Does the freight boat leave everyday? and what's "blissful" exactly about 7 days on a boat?


"There's no justice, just us".
2004 650 KLR, Brazil

chris 10 Jan 2005 21:36

there should be a boat most days. take a comfy hammock, a lot of food (the food on the boats is meagre and cr*p imho), booze and a lot to read/ a chess set/ anything to pass the time.




Stretcher Monkey 10 Jan 2005 21:47

Ta Brighty - enjoyed your site by the way.

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