Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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bigtexrider 30 May 2003 21:33

Big Ride in 2006
I will shortly retire and then be able to enjoy my passion, which is wandering the world on a motorcycle. A group of friends has come up with an idea to ride from Prudhome Bay to Tierre del Fuego in 2006. The group is for the most part very experienced in road and off-road riding. I need to know everything I can find that will make the trip doable. Time of year to go, equipment, paper work, insurance, time allowed to do the ride (include stops for scenery), idea of approximate cost for this type of trip, etc.

Any and all information, comments, and opinions will be appreciated.


Grant Johnson 31 May 2003 04:04


that's a HUGE question - it would take a lot of work to write all that out.

NOTE that it's all on the site already, all you have to do is a little browsing.

The Search function works well - search on "Prudhoe Bay" or "Alaska" and you'll get a ton of info.

Also of course start by checking out the Travellers Stories, Tripplanning, paperwork, etc on the left hand menu.

Have fun preparing, and we look forward to hearing how you go!

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

Werner 31 May 2003 05:57

Hi Big Tex,
I did the very thing you are planning to do back in 1996, i.e. retire and ride up to Deadhorse on Prudhoe Bay and down to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego. I even wrote a book about the trip, which you can find on this website, "8 Around the Americas on a Motorcycle." It would be a good place to start researching for your trip. It will give you distances, safe places to stay, how to get across the Dairen Gap etc. Beside it'll be fun to read.

bigtexrider 2 Jun 2003 18:33


Originally posted by Werner:
Hi Big Tex,
I did the very thing you are planning to do back in 1996


Sounds like the book may be a great starting point. There are a few others that are researching the route and we'll have a get together to hash out the details. I'll have the time and the bike, I guess what I need to do is start saving my pennies. <G>

Thanks for the information.


[This message has been edited by Grant Johnson (edited 02 June 2003).]

bigtexrider 2 Jun 2003 18:36


Originally posted by Grant Johnson:

NOTE that it's all on the site already, all you have to do is a little browsing.

Have fun preparing, and we look forward to hearing how you go!


I guess I'll have to spend a bit of time online and print out all the information that is listed in the different post. Maybe I can find the time between all the "honey dos" that are planed for me when I retire.<G>

Thanks for the help and the information. I'll tell the others about this site and will keep you up to speed as things firm up and especially when the trip starts.

Take care,


[This message has been edited by Grant Johnson (edited 02 June 2003).]

Werner 3 Jun 2003 01:35

Hi Big Tex and Grant,
I made the "saving my pennies" bit relatively easy: I just told (not asked!) my significant other to work a few hours of overtime a week, and voila! there was my travel budget. This is how they can demonstrate that they "really" love you!!!

bigtexrider 3 Jun 2003 01:41

>>This is how they can demonstrate that they "really" love you<<

Or that they want to see you out of the house and their hair.<G> Either way it's worth a shot. I just hope my reflexes are still quick enough to duck all the flying objects that will come my direction.

Take care,


EL LOCO DE LA MOTO 4 Aug 2003 06:40

Hey Bigtex.

I'm planning the same trip, Prudhoe bay. Tierra del Fuego,and I'll be leaving by the same time you are, 2006, so i hope we can keep in touch, and exchange info, or may be travel together. let me know, and good luck.

bigtexrider 6 Aug 2003 19:01


Originally posted by EL LOCO DE LA MOTO:
Hey Bigtex.

I'm planning the same trip, Prudhoe bay. Tierra del Fuego,and I'll be leaving by the same time you are, 2006, so i hope we can keep in touch, and exchange info, or may be travel together. let me know, and good luck.

Will be more than happy to keep you informed of our plans. About 10 people have expressed an interest in the trip but I think when it comes down to ride time only about 5-6 of us will do the trip. Once the dates are set I'll post the information here so you can see when and where we will be riding.

Take care,


David and Cheryl Laing 11 Aug 2003 08:52

Interested in all your info. We (my husband and I) have our house here in Australia on the market. When it sells we will buy a cheaper one and do that exact trip. We ride 2 Honda Shadow 600 cruisers. Most people think thay are not the correct type of bike but they have taken us where angels fear to tread so we are staying with them. We hope to be on the road before you are planning on leaving but we should stay in touch.

bigtexrider 11 Aug 2003 17:56


Originally posted by David & Cheryl Laing:
Interested in all your info. We (my husband and I) have our house here in Australia on the market. When it sells we will buy a cheaper one and do that exact trip. We ride 2 Honda Shadow 600 cruisers. Most people think thay are not the correct type of bike but they have taken us where angels fear to tread so we are staying with them. We hope to be on the road before you are planning on leaving but we should stay in touch.
Any type motorcycle is suitable if you are comfortable with it. I have taken my Wing off road in places that are not "suitable" for such a motorcycle. Go for it.<G>

Keep me posted about your travels, the information will be appreciated.


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