Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Bike on Pelni ship in Indo (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/bike-on-pelni-ship-indo-77465)

ColinD 27 Jul 2014 05:31

Bike on Pelni ship in Indo

I'm seeking first-hand experiences from travellers who've managed to get their motorcycle on a Pelni ship for travel between islands in Indonesia.

Pelni offices say this can only be done by packing the bike as freight in a box. But it's often the case in Indonesia that there are "other ways" when you are there in person, and meet a helpful staff member. It would make a huge difference to my plans if I could just get the bike hoisted, instead of having to pack it as freight. Or even get it man-handled.

The routes I'm looking at have fairly substantial inter-island sea crossings, so a hired speedboat isn't an option.

Note please: this is not a question about "roll on roll off" type ferries. It's specifically about using non-RORO ships on routes that don't have a RORO ferry.

The main route that interests me right now is Tolitoli (Sulawesi) to Nunukan (Borneo). However, I'd be thrilled to hear first-hand experiences from anywhere in Indonesia.


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