Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Bogotá Colombia to Iqueque Chile (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/bogot-colombia-to-iqueque-chile-84345)

epianoqueen 20 Nov 2015 12:25

Bogotá Colombia to Iqueque Chile

I'm planning a trip with two friends for Feb 1 - May 1 to journey through SA starting in Bogotá and eventually end up in Iqueque. This is our tentative route so far going through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, hopefully Bolivia, and Chile.

Would anyone be able to share any route info (best roads to take, things to check out that we might not hear about too easily, places to stay along the way, etc).

One important thing I also need to find out about is:
Is it possible to buy a motorcycle in Bogotá AND be able to cross borders into different countries with it?

I keep hearing stories of people who buy a bike in one country, but can't leave the country with it and I'm not sure if that applies to Bogotá/Colombia as well or if there's a way around this. I want to avoid having to ship a bike.

In the meantime, my friends and I are super excited about this trip and ANY tips, suggestions, or whatever would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks a ton!

- Elizabeth

Tony LEE 20 Nov 2015 15:30

Highway 1 along the coast of Peru would be a waste of a perfectly good motorbike ride when there are much more exciting alternatives along the Andes. Depends on your tolerance for gravel roads and lack of safety rails though





We did it a bit easier than these two


or these


Tony LEE 20 Nov 2015 15:50

And some practical suggestions - sign up for access to iOverlander.com and if you have a smart phone get their app plus install Open Street Maps either direct from Free worldwide Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap if you have a Garmin GPS or using MapsMe or similar set up for off-line use.

epianoqueen 20 Nov 2015 17:20

Wow, Tony, thanks for the pics and advice! I'll check out that site in a sec and see what that's about. What route was it that you took? Do you remember? That looks amazing!

ridetheworld 30 Nov 2015 01:04

Bogotá Colombia to Iqueque Chile
It's good that you will stop in north Chile and not rush to put in a TDF trip too. Though there's some great routes in the south, best riding for me is up north. You should get hold of a guide book pdf for each country and put together a bucket list. Buy some good maps before you leave. Riese 'mapping project' maps are highly regarded. Then correlate the bucket list with the map as a sort of rough route.

For me, getting away from the paved roads really pays off if you don't mind riding dirt. I feel you get to see more of rural life, have better contact with local people and get to soak up the scenery better than blasting down a potholed highway dodging cows and inhaling diesel fumes. These are very useful. Some of my favorite routes;

Anywhere on the altiplano, especially lagunas route, southern Peruvian section (Cotahuasi & Colca), Ruta de Chiquitos in Bolivia, the two national parks in n.Chile accessed from near Putre, Vulcan Sajama nat. Park Bolivia.

More more, challenging but very rewarding routes check out Andesbybike.com - though be advised those routes are very remote do make sure you take proper precautions.





Download apps Maps.me and iOverlander.


epianoqueen 28 Dec 2015 07:37

Thanks so much for the tips on the routes, maps, guidebooks, etc! I'm going to start looking for those maps :-) I really appreciate all this info. And WOW, those pics look AMAZING!! :-D

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