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Werner Zwick 19 Jul 2000 13:22

Bolivia or Peru
I will travel from Santiago northbound in Oct./Nov. and wpould like to park my bike for about 6 month (rainseason) either in Bolivia or Peru, while I fly home to earn some money.
Which country is preferable for securely leaving a bike? Where could I possibly park it for a while? How is the customs situation in both countries (i.e. stamp in passport, maximum time of stay for mc...)?
Any suggestions are welcome.


Grant Johnson 19 Jul 2000 18:48


I'd contact La Casa Suiza at http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/.../huanchaco.htm in Huanchaco, Peru and see if they'll store your bike for you. I've had good reports about them.

Grant Johnson

Share the Dream!
at: www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

Dave 21 Jul 2000 04:00

Hi Werner,

I'm planning a bike trip to SA in November and was there Jan to May 1999. It's a great place! I was there on foot but so I can't say a lot about taking a bike there (yet!) but as far as my experience goes the border crossings are pretty easy between Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. Sure, people point guns at you but they're generally smiling whilst they do it! The maximum length of stay is 90 days from entry, although you can renew this by crossing back over the border for a day (or even less). It's free. Check your passport when they stamp it for you though, if you cross over at smaller towns they may only give you 30 days which has to be upgraded in the larger cities. I think this is free. In general everyone I met was traveller friendly (partly the reason I'm going back) but I wouldn't risk trying to take anything even remotely suspect over the borders. This includes fruit and veg if you're crossing into Chile.

I don't have much info on where to leave your bike but if you're in La Paz in Bolivia call into the Gravity Assisted Mountain Biking shop opposite the main cinema (you'll see posters for it everywhere). It's run by adventurous Kiwi's who might be able to point you in the right direction.

Good luck!


peter theuwissen 21 Jul 2000 20:48

I would recommend to park in La Paz, Bolivia. In Peru you get a permit for 3 months only. In Bolivia it is customwise without problems to park a bike for a long time and leaving the country yourself. Can give you the name of a lokal guy with private parking in citycentre and accomodation as well.
have a nice trip,

Arlen Aas 15 Aug 2000 07:56

I will be traveling USA to South America. Would like to store motorcycle in Bolivia(or anywhere) as Peter has described. However I cannot reach Peter to get specifics. Anyone had first hand experience of storing bike there and leaving for 8-10 months w/o customs problems????

peter theuwissen 18 Aug 2000 15:16

Hi there,
well you got my answer by now. Quito is also possible. Friend of mine stored his old Xt500 11 months at the Porsche/Mercedes dealership owned by a friendly German. Also the BMW-importer was very friendly and can maybe help you (if you drive BMW). I could work myself in their workshop, good guys!

Gonzalo 22 Sep 2000 17:08

Dear Werner,

Leave your bike in La Paz, Bolivia at NOSIGLIA SPORT. Speak to Walter Nosiglia, official Honda Dealer in La Paz and ex-motocross champion from Sucre. He´s a great and friendly guy. He has already stored bikes for foreigner a few times and he is 100% trustworthy and as he says: "In Bolivia anything is possible" so don´t worry about the official customs business, he will tell you how to get around it. You can leave as long as you want and when you come back he´ll have your bike nice and shiny and waiting for you.

I was just in La Paz with him, he made the best impression possible and helped me out like a brother.

His address is:

Nosiglia Sport
Av. Costanera No. 29 (Calacoto)
Tel: (591-2) 794 904
Fax: (591-2) 771 395
e-mail: nossport@ceibo.entelnet.bo

-however the best way to set up this sort of thing is to speak personally to him so I suggest you just drive to La Paz and do it there.

Good Luck,

PS: He also rents out good bikes and ATVs. Africa Twins and XR 600s.

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