Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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lobster09 19 Apr 2011 10:23

Border Insurance Turkey
Hello Friends,

i'm going on a trip that leads me trough Turkey in early May. I've heard that there is a border insurance available at the border for € 40,--. My Question is if you can get the insurance at any border from Greece to Turkey and are the costs for one month.
Thank you in advance and drive save!

MCole 19 Apr 2011 16:32

I crossed at the Ipsala border last July, insurance is definitely available. This is the major border crossing between Greece and Turkey, I found the border extremely efficient and you shouldn't have any problems.

I don't remember the exact price but it is definitely cheaper than 40 euro for motorcycles. From what I remember you can pay in euro but there is also an ATM to withdraw lira. Definitely not something to worry about it - I crossed into and out of Turkey 4 times on the trip without any problems.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 19 Apr 2011 18:28

Please tell the officer that it is for a motocycle.The price is 11 tl.(5 Euros) for 3 months.
Otherwise they think that its for a car and charge 36 TL.(17 euros)
It must be written motosiklet not otomobil in details.
Same at all border gates..

Welcome to the paradise.

Best Wishes

mehmet zeki avar

lobster09 20 Apr 2011 10:14

Thank You
Thanks to both of you. It was very helpful and it's always a pleasure to be on the Hubb.

Drive save


Mehmet Zeki Avar 20 Apr 2011 23:00

Dear Lobster09,
This information is aspecially for you.

Igoumenitsa-Kalambaka =220 Km
dangerous with some mountain passes and winding snake roads.So better
choose this direction from IGOUMENITSA (GR) to İPSALA (TR).

Loutra Eleftheron


Best Wishes
mehmet zeki avar

EMBEE 23 May 2012 19:34

Forgive me if this is a silly question but what sign I am looking for at the Turkish Border (Gate to Paradise) that will direct me to the office that provides insurance cover for motorcycles? Thanks.

PanEuropean 24 May 2012 09:40


I can't give you an answer specific to the border crossing point that you mentioned, but when I crossed into Turkey last year, the insurance booth was just beyond customs about 20 meters.

The folks in the customs and immigration office can tell you where to get the insurance, they will be very familiar with the process.


Loko 2 Jun 2012 13:19


Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet (Post 332950)
Please tell the officer that it is for a motocycle.The price is 11 tl.(5 Euros) for 3 months.
Otherwise they think that its for a car and charge 36 TL.(17 euros)
It must be written motosiklet not otomobil in details.
Same at all border gates..

Wonder if it's the same this (2012) year... price I mean ;)

Loko 3 Jun 2012 18:10

will anyone answer, please!!

Mehmet Zeki Avar 4 Jun 2012 21:40

current insurance fee for your car in Turkish Lira is between 350-380 for 1 year.
1 $ = 1,8 TL.
you can have it minimum for 1 month via turkish touring and automobile club.
Fees are increased twice a year,beginning of Jan. and July.Also has some differences between young and old drivers..

At all bordergates, if you meet a problem or feel officers are going to do something wrong or illegal, directly go to the gate manager,police manager,all are friendly guys..dont hesitate to do this...

Wish you all the best..

"trafik sigortası bile 350 380 arasında."

Loko 5 Jun 2012 09:02

Thanks a lot!
But do I understand well, that that's not a Green Card but Third Party insurance just for Turkey? (that is what I need), Turkish automobilclub shows rates just for Green Card:


And if i get it for 1 month it will cost aprox 50-100TL?


Loko 5 Jun 2012 22:38

The latest news from automobile club of Turkey: the actual rate for regular passenger car is 21 euro and 15 for motorcycle

Thank you Mehmet for the idea to write to them!!! coffe, wine, beer... whatever you drink is on me, when I'm in Istanbul :) feel invited to Sultanahmet...

muhammad 13 Jun 2012 21:21

@istanbul bisiklet motosiklet.

InsyaAlloh next year I will perform the hajj. I am from Indonesia will use the motorcycle. if I could ask for a visa to pilgrims in Turkey, what are the requirements and procedure? Is it posible? thank you.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 14 Jun 2012 06:28

Selam from İstanbul.
According to the agreement between our countries;
Up to 30 days at each entrance, you can buy your visa at all bordergates to enter Turkey.Price is 25 USD($).
It will be stamped on your passport page.
Wish you all the best.

1 AY
25 $
ENDONEZYA : Resmi pasaport hamilleri 60 gün süreyle vizeden muaftır. Umuma mahsus pasaport hamilleri vizeye tabidir. Umuma mahsus pasaport hamilleri ise 30 güne kadar ikamet süreli turistik amaçlı seyahat vizeleri, dış temsilciliklerimizin yanı sıra hudut kapılarımızda da bandrol tatbiki suretiyle verilir.

Deolali 14 Jun 2012 14:22

I rode into Turkey from Greece one week ago. I purchased insurance at the insurance company office in the cafe and shop complex just past the first Turkish border post and before the vehicle checkpost. It cost me 30 euros. When I queried that price for a bike she told me it had gone up to 30 for a moto and 60 for an auto. You won't get past the next two checkpoints without having proof of insurance. Both the insurance office and the visa office (which is next to the vehicle checkpoint if I remember correctly) will only accept euros, not their own currency!

20 km down the road I was stopped at a police roadblock where they wanted to see my licence, bike registration papers and the insurance document I bought at the border. Been stopped by police twice more for the same checks. Always very friendly, full of smiles, and interested in our journey and one of them has always spoken good English. Also stopped by police today for suspected speeding but when he saw the size of the bike, 1100cc, he smiled and waved us off as the limit is higher for large capacity bikes.

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