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lobster09 19 Apr 2011 10:23

Border Insurance Turkey
Hello Friends,

i'm going on a trip that leads me trough Turkey in early May. I've heard that there is a border insurance available at the border for € 40,--. My Question is if you can get the insurance at any border from Greece to Turkey and are the costs for one month.
Thank you in advance and drive save!

MCole 19 Apr 2011 16:32

I crossed at the Ipsala border last July, insurance is definitely available. This is the major border crossing between Greece and Turkey, I found the border extremely efficient and you shouldn't have any problems.

I don't remember the exact price but it is definitely cheaper than 40 euro for motorcycles. From what I remember you can pay in euro but there is also an ATM to withdraw lira. Definitely not something to worry about it - I crossed into and out of Turkey 4 times on the trip without any problems.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 19 Apr 2011 18:28

Please tell the officer that it is for a motocycle.The price is 11 tl.(5 Euros) for 3 months.
Otherwise they think that its for a car and charge 36 TL.(17 euros)
It must be written motosiklet not otomobil in details.
Same at all border gates..

Welcome to the paradise.

Best Wishes

mehmet zeki avar

lobster09 20 Apr 2011 10:14

Thank You
Thanks to both of you. It was very helpful and it's always a pleasure to be on the Hubb.

Drive save


Mehmet Zeki Avar 20 Apr 2011 23:00

Dear Lobster09,
This information is aspecially for you.

Igoumenitsa-Kalambaka =220 Km
dangerous with some mountain passes and winding snake roads.So better
choose this direction from IGOUMENITSA (GR) to İPSALA (TR).

Loutra Eleftheron


Best Wishes
mehmet zeki avar

EMBEE 23 May 2012 19:34

Forgive me if this is a silly question but what sign I am looking for at the Turkish Border (Gate to Paradise) that will direct me to the office that provides insurance cover for motorcycles? Thanks.

PanEuropean 24 May 2012 09:40


I can't give you an answer specific to the border crossing point that you mentioned, but when I crossed into Turkey last year, the insurance booth was just beyond customs about 20 meters.

The folks in the customs and immigration office can tell you where to get the insurance, they will be very familiar with the process.


Loko 2 Jun 2012 13:19


Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet (Post 332950)
Please tell the officer that it is for a motocycle.The price is 11 tl.(5 Euros) for 3 months.
Otherwise they think that its for a car and charge 36 TL.(17 euros)
It must be written motosiklet not otomobil in details.
Same at all border gates..

Wonder if it's the same this (2012) year... price I mean ;)

Loko 3 Jun 2012 18:10

will anyone answer, please!!

Mehmet Zeki Avar 4 Jun 2012 21:40

current insurance fee for your car in Turkish Lira is between 350-380 for 1 year.
1 $ = 1,8 TL.
you can have it minimum for 1 month via turkish touring and automobile club.
Fees are increased twice a year,beginning of Jan. and July.Also has some differences between young and old drivers..

At all bordergates, if you meet a problem or feel officers are going to do something wrong or illegal, directly go to the gate manager,police manager,all are friendly guys..dont hesitate to do this...

Wish you all the best..

"trafik sigortası bile 350 380 arasında."

Loko 5 Jun 2012 09:02

Thanks a lot!
But do I understand well, that that's not a Green Card but Third Party insurance just for Turkey? (that is what I need), Turkish automobilclub shows rates just for Green Card:


And if i get it for 1 month it will cost aprox 50-100TL?


Loko 5 Jun 2012 22:38

The latest news from automobile club of Turkey: the actual rate for regular passenger car is 21 euro and 15 for motorcycle

Thank you Mehmet for the idea to write to them!!! coffe, wine, beer... whatever you drink is on me, when I'm in Istanbul :) feel invited to Sultanahmet...

muhammad 13 Jun 2012 21:21

@istanbul bisiklet motosiklet.

InsyaAlloh next year I will perform the hajj. I am from Indonesia will use the motorcycle. if I could ask for a visa to pilgrims in Turkey, what are the requirements and procedure? Is it posible? thank you.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 14 Jun 2012 06:28

Selam from İstanbul.
According to the agreement between our countries;
Up to 30 days at each entrance, you can buy your visa at all bordergates to enter Turkey.Price is 25 USD($).
It will be stamped on your passport page.
Wish you all the best.

1 AY
25 $
ENDONEZYA : Resmi pasaport hamilleri 60 gün süreyle vizeden muaftır. Umuma mahsus pasaport hamilleri vizeye tabidir. Umuma mahsus pasaport hamilleri ise 30 güne kadar ikamet süreli turistik amaçlı seyahat vizeleri, dış temsilciliklerimizin yanı sıra hudut kapılarımızda da bandrol tatbiki suretiyle verilir.

Deolali 14 Jun 2012 14:22

I rode into Turkey from Greece one week ago. I purchased insurance at the insurance company office in the cafe and shop complex just past the first Turkish border post and before the vehicle checkpost. It cost me 30 euros. When I queried that price for a bike she told me it had gone up to 30 for a moto and 60 for an auto. You won't get past the next two checkpoints without having proof of insurance. Both the insurance office and the visa office (which is next to the vehicle checkpoint if I remember correctly) will only accept euros, not their own currency!

20 km down the road I was stopped at a police roadblock where they wanted to see my licence, bike registration papers and the insurance document I bought at the border. Been stopped by police twice more for the same checks. Always very friendly, full of smiles, and interested in our journey and one of them has always spoken good English. Also stopped by police today for suspected speeding but when he saw the size of the bike, 1100cc, he smiled and waved us off as the limit is higher for large capacity bikes.

muhammad 14 Jun 2012 17:04


Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet (Post 382554)
Selam from İstanbul.
According to the agreement between our countries;
Up to 30 days at each entrance, you can buy your visa at all bordergates to enter Turkey.Price is 25 USD($).
It will be stamped on your passport page.
Wish you all the best.

1 AY
25 $
ENDONEZYA : Resmi pasaport hamilleri 60 gün süreyle vizeden muaftır. Umuma mahsus pasaport hamilleri vizeye tabidir. Umuma mahsus pasaport hamilleri ise 30 güne kadar ikamet süreli turistik amaçlı seyahat vizeleri, dış temsilciliklerimizin yanı sıra hudut kapılarımızda da bandrol tatbiki suretiyle verilir.

Sorry bro istanbul bisiklet motosiklet. I mean, i take the Hajj visa in turkey not in Indonesia. Is it posible?

Loko 15 Jun 2012 14:08


It looks like UK citizens are treated different way... I've got an official e-mail from Turkish Automobile Club, saying "regular Third-Party insurance for Turkey, cars from EU is 21 Euro"

Mehmet Zeki Avar 15 Jun 2012 18:30

Not only UK.citizens are being treated...
Our club informed bikers several times here..
Private insurance companies are treating everybody at bordergates.
Thats why we say" dont accept and go to the customs manager"..Then they sell it for the normal price..
Normal insurance fee for foreign/local bikes for 3 months is between 9-12 TL.
1 $ 1,81
1 Euro 2,29 TL.
We have copies of 9-12 tl. insurance policies, also other copies such as 50 TL. for C-90.
So we tell it again; never accept this, ask to see the customs manager,mayor officer,shout out, tell that you know how much it is in İstanbul, it must be same everywhere,etc..etc..Don't look silence,dont be an easy hunt...

Wish you all the best..

Deolali 15 Jun 2012 18:52

I appreciate the advice not to accept the inflated price for insurance but when we entered Turkey there were no staff around anywhere to ask or complain to. Even the visa office was empty and locked up and we had to wait at least 20 minutes for someone to turn up and sell us our visas and then he refused to accept lira, only euros.

At both the insurance office and the visa office it was a case of take it or leave it and it is impossible to get past the next checkpoint, which is manned by a polis officer not a customs officer, without those 2 pieces of paper. He refused to phone anyone about the visa office being closed so I am sure he wouldn't be interested in the price of the insurance.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 15 Jun 2012 20:28


Originally Posted by muhammad (Post 382606)
Sorry bro istanbul bisiklet motosiklet. I mean, i take the Hajj visa in turkey not in Indonesia. Is it posible?

""InsyaAlloh next year I will perform the hajj. I am from Indonesia will use the motorcycle. if I could ask for a visa to pilgrims in Turkey, what are the requirements and procedure? Is it posible? thank you.

You can make your application for S.Arabia hajj visa only in your home country..Consulate and Embassy in Turkey accept applications of Turkish citizens only.
Be careful not to have Israel visa or entrance/exit stamp on your passport pages.

Best Wishes

muhammad 17 Jun 2012 15:16


Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet (Post 382705)
""InsyaAlloh next year I will perform the hajj. I am from Indonesia will use the motorcycle. if I could ask for a visa to pilgrims in Turkey, what are the requirements and procedure? Is it posible? thank you.

You can make your application for S.Arabia hajj visa only in your home country..Consulate and Embassy in Turkey accept applications of Turkish citizens only.
Be careful not to have Israel visa or entrance/exit stamp on your passport pages.

Best Wishes

Thank you for your information Bro. This is very helpful for me.

oldblokeonabike 18 Jun 2012 09:53

Border Insurance Turkey
Like Deolali I also paid 30 euro for insurance at the Turkish border from Iran and when I questioned it I was also told this is the cost for a motorcycle. The bike was parked in full view so not likely they misunderstood & thought I was driving a car.

Watch out for touts in some countries who try to grab your passport/ticket/whatever & offer to do paperwork "cheaply". They can be found at bus & train stations, taxi ranks & ferries from India to Indonesia, Iran to Peru, in fact anywhere travel is involved. While it can be frustrating it's all part of the game. You can think of it as an 'adventure tax' & play along or see it as a con - your choice, more often than not. Sometimes, it's just easier to have someone else do the legwork as borders can be stressful. I feel happier doing my own paperwork & I find out what I'm paying for, but that's just me. What ever you pay it sure beats being in peak hour traffic on the way to the office. :scooter:

oldblokeonabike 18 Jun 2012 10:02

Border Insurance Turkey
Should add, it was just a couple of weeks ago I entered Turkey. Maybe the information I was given is correct, or maybe I was conned.

I agree with the old saying, 'Change what you can and accept the rest'.
Have fun with the planning & live the dream.

Cheers, Ron

blessing786 8 Jan 2013 19:44


Originally Posted by wuming (Post 385757)
I entered Turkey from Bulgaria yesterday at Malko Tarnovo/Derekoy. Was charged 10 euros for 3 months insurance and 10 UK pounds for the visa. No idea if I was overcharged or not. Very smooth process, although the border money changer had run out of Turkish lira so I had to go to a bank in Kirklareli.

Was this for bike or car?

Kimmuir 20 Apr 2013 11:34

Bulgaria to Turkey
Hello friends
I am new here so I hope that I am not going over old ground, sorry if I am :(
We are riding this August 2013, from the UK to Northern Cyprus.
Coming from the UK we have European insurance cover.
My question is, where is the border crossing in Bulgaria to Turkey and do I need a green card as well as buying insurance at the border?
Thank you in advance.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 20 Apr 2013 19:24

Coordinates of Kapıkule bordergate.
41.717033 and 26.353287.

This is the contact address of Touring and Automobile club of Turkey and available at Kapıkule for vehicle insurance for reasonable prices..Private companies are more expensive..Open 24 hours..

E D İ R N E - K A P I K U L E
Tel: (0 284) 238 24 04
Fax: (0 284) 238 24 04
Gsm: (0 532) 253 32 57
E-posta: kapikule@turing.org.tr

Link to map of the insurance office at the bordergate...

If your green card doesnt cover Turkey, you can buy it at the gate.TTOK.
Definitely remind it is a motosiklet...

Best Wishes.

pecha72 21 Apr 2013 15:07


Originally Posted by Kimmuir (Post 419419)
we have European insurance cover.

Check with your insurance company, but I believe this should be good for Turkey as well (Turkey is in the Green Card system - or at least it WAS, five years since I visited, so yeah do check, but I never needed anything more for my bike at the Turkish border).

will-dakar 15 Jul 2016 16:06

I know this is an old thread but does anyone have any upto date info on the costs of getting insurance for a bike entering Turkey?

bonnie25 22 Jul 2016 18:21

I entered Turkey from Bulgaria about 6 weeks ago. Insurance for a motorbike was 84.98tl (€25).

I also had to unpack everything for a search - took 2 hours in tota - pre-Istanbul attack. Lots of police check points in Kurdish areas - I was stopped a lot.
If you haven't got your visa already, park before the booths and go through the building to the Turkey-Bulgaria side, in booth 54 you can buy a visa. Why it's on the other side is beyond me.

bonnie25 22 Jul 2016 18:26

1 Attachment(s)
Here's what I got.

Fredski 30 Sep 2016 11:00

I at the kirklareli border crossing between Bulgaria and turkey now and the one Green Card insurance guy is insisting on charging me 230 euros as the lowest rate.
A local called his agency in Bulgaria and was told that they can no.longer issue green card insurance for turkey, that it must be arranged at the border.

Is this a shake down? Or are these the new rates for motorcycle green card insurance?


Originally Posted by bonnie25 (Post 543941)
I entered Turkey from Bulgaria about 6 weeks ago. Insurance for a motorbike was 84.98tl (€25).

I also had to unpack everything for a search - took 2 hours in tota - pre-Istanbul attack. Lots of police check points in Kurdish areas - I was stopped a lot.
If you haven't got your visa already, park before the booths and go through the building to the Turkey-Bulgaria side, in booth 54 you can buy a visa. Why it's on the other side is beyond me.

M.Aziz 30 Sep 2016 17:27


Originally Posted by Fredski (Post 548293)
I at the kirklareli border crossing between Bulgaria and turkey now and the one Green Card insurance guy is insisting on charging me 230 euros as the lowest rate.
A local called his agency in Bulgaria and was told that they can no.longer issue green card insurance for turkey, that it must be arranged at the border.

Is this a shake down? Or are these the new rates for motorcycle green card insurance?

I came through Cesme port from Piraeus 2 months ago. I had big problems getting insurance as they said i needed a national identity number to buy it, BIG MISTAKE trying to talk in my broken Turkish. Fortunately my family knew a guy in Australia who knows a guy in Turkey, that knows a guy that issues insurance. To this day i don't know how they got around the fact that i didn't have this number.
I spent 10 hours at the port waiting for word if i was spending the night at the customs yard, 5 minutes before closing the papers came in.
I didn't pay for the insurance as the guy that was a friend of the family is a rider aswell and he was just happy to help me out.
The price on the insurance paper i have is $85.69 TL for 3 months.
I didn't end up buying it but i could have got a green card from Alessia which does cover Turkey. From memory 1 month cover was $249 Euros and 3 months was approximaetly $449 Euros. Her contact details if you need it, i can't vouch for her though as i didn't end up purchasing it.

Maria M. Alessie
Eliotplaats 174
3068 VL Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Tel +31 10 4 555 946

Mehmet Zeki Avar 30 Sep 2016 19:02

I replied your personal message but now I see that there is a mistake in the question or ı got it wrong.answer will be good for everybody so here goes my reply..

1-You dont need to buy green card insurance to enter turkey from west.If your green card doesnt cover turkey,you can buy turkish road insurance (karayolları mali sorumluluk sigorta poliçesi) at any gate for,1 month or more periods...If any office doesnt sell, tell the gate police and customs stuff and make a high noise..(personal idea and what ı do while at the same situation) price depends on vehicle and is about 80 tl.for a bike for 3 months as the travellers told me this year..no idea for 4 or more wheeled ones..

2-Turkey has 3 bordergates with bulgaria and you are at the smallest one for kırklareli city.experienced ones are the ones to edirne city,named kapıkule and hamzabeyli..

Kapıkule Edirne from Bulgaristan Kapitan Andreevo Tabliczka road E80.

Hamzabeyli Edirne from Bulgaristan Lesovo road.7.

3-For those exiting turkey and heading europe or entering turkey from east..price for green card(covering Turkey also) is the same with every country starting with 63 euros for 3 months..

Here is the link to Turkish Touring and automobile club webpage..they have offices at all bordergates of turkey(except kırklareli) and issue all kind of insurances,green card,etc..

Türkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu

all the best...

sandrodz 7 Jun 2017 06:40


Originally Posted by Mehmet Zeki Avar (Post 548320)
I replied your personal message but now I see that there is a mistake in the question or ı got it wrong.answer will be good for everybody so here goes my reply..

1-You dont need to buy green card insurance to enter turkey from west.If your green card doesnt cover turkey,you can buy turkish road insurance (karayolları mali sorumluluk sigorta poliçesi) at any gate for,1 month or more periods...If any office doesnt sell, tell the gate police and customs stuff and make a high noise..(personal idea and what ı do while at the same situation) price depends on vehicle and is about 80 tl.for a bike for 3 months as the travellers told me this year..no idea for 4 or more wheeled ones..

2-Turkey has 3 bordergates with bulgaria and you are at the smallest one for kırklareli city.experienced ones are the ones to edirne city,named kapıkule and hamzabeyli..

Kapıkule Edirne from Bulgaristan Kapitan Andreevo Tabliczka road E80.

Hamzabeyli Edirne from Bulgaristan Lesovo road.7.

3-For those exiting turkey and heading europe or entering turkey from east..price for green card(covering Turkey also) is the same with every country starting with 63 euros for 3 months..

Here is the link to Turkish Touring and automobile club webpage..they have offices at all bordergates of turkey(except kırklareli) and issue all kind of insurances,green card,etc..

Türkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu

all the best...

Hello! Info about green card purchase in Turkey is scarce, and I've read some of your posts and they were informative. Thanks for taking time :)

I'm traveling with car from Georgia to Italy passing through Turkey. Do you think I can purchase international green card on the Georgia/Turkey border? any indication of price in 2017?

What about turing.org.tr is that a club? can I purchase green card from them? Do I've to walk into their office in Istanbul or this can be purchased on the border?

I would PM you but there is 3 min post limit.
Sorry for necromancing an old post.

dooby 7 Jun 2017 18:01

Hi Sandro,

we have been in touch already yesterday over emails.

To answer to your question, yes you can buy insurance at the border between Georgia and Turkey, but I'm not sure if you can buy policy directly from Touring.org in Turkey. I would say more no then yes.

Let me know if you need any more info.


LC8Joe 8 Jun 2017 20:47

The insurance that you can get at the border is not a green card, I explicitly asked for it and they said it only covers Turkey.

dooby 23 Jun 2017 20:10

It's a green card for Turkey LC8Joe, and you can buy it at the border, do not know what's not clear here LC8Joe?


aospeed 9 Sep 2017 20:05

Turkey insurance at border
Georgia to Turkey border update as of 7 Sept 2017. You cannot buy motorcycle insurance for Turkey at the Vale-Posof border post. They will only do motorcar insurance there. If you can get Green Card cover including Turkey they will accept email confirmation even if you don't have the hard copy. Without that you have to go to Batumi and go through the Sarpi borber post as we just had to. They have an insurance kiosk near the immigration counter. Min 3 month cover for Euro35. Hope this helps!!

jordanrtw 29 Dec 2017 16:01

My experience
Hi all
I've just come across into Turkey from Bulgaria via the crossing at Kapitan Andropov to Kapikule.
I paid 20 euro and 80 lira for a grand total of 38 euro for 3 months :) i just asked to mix to use the last euro note in my wallet.
No interest in my Carnet. Just had my German passport with no visa, the registration doc for my Australian bike and then the insurance documents and they sent me straight through.

dooby 1 Jan 2018 22:25


Originally Posted by jordanrtw (Post 576105)
Hi all
I've just come across into Turkey from Bulgaria via the crossing at Kapitan Andropov to Kapikule.
I paid 20 euro and 80 lira for a grand total of 38 euro for 3 months :) i just asked to mix to use the last euro note in my wallet.
No interest in my Carnet. Just had my German passport with no visa, the registration doc for my Australian bike and then the insurance documents and they sent me straight through.

Interesting fact in the last 6 months is that people entering Turkey from different directions are buying obviously fake policies on many border crossings, because the price is regulated by the national body and in Turkey that is what Mehmet has generously linked for everyone (even his price from the post is not correct one) Turing: Türkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu
Same thing is happening in Bosnia and some other countries as well (Albania and Kosovo are issuing digital document and all of them I have seen or held in hand were fully in line with the prices defined by their national governing body).

It's nice when you save some money for gas, food etc, but not a nice thing if something badly happens. Holding a fake insurance policy in hand is calling for a trouble.

It's just a warning so people take note, and take care of themselves.


jordanrtw 3 Jan 2018 06:16


Originally Posted by Frgich (Post 576223)
Interesting fact in the last 6 months is that people entering Turkey from different directions are buying obviously fake policies on many border crossings, because the price is regulated by the national body and in Turkey that is what Mehmet has generously linked for everyone (even his price from the post is not correct one) Turing: Türkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu
Same thing is happening in Bosnia and some other countries as well (Albania and Kosovo are issuing digital document and all of them I have seen or held in hand were fully in line with the prices defined by their national governing body).

It's nice when you save some money for gas, food etc, but not a nice thing if something badly happens. Holding a fake insurance policy in hand is calling for a trouble.

It's just a warning so people take note, and take care of themselves.


Does it seem that mine is the fake policy then?
I bought it inside the border crossing compound near (if i remember correctly inspection bay B) where there is a large sign stating Sigorta/Insurance.
These documents were then taken to the window next-door to be processed and a stamp added to my passport. They then wanted to witness just those papers at the final inspection gate before entering into Turkey.
If they're not real my only question is how can anyone be confident of getting a valid policy if buying it in the middle of the crossing does not guarantee some level of authenticity.

dooby 4 Jan 2018 19:53

Price is defining the validity, so in the above case I would say it's not valid.

If the policy was printed from computer (no stamping and all that middle aged b..shit) then they could not fake the data, but in case of hand writing like in Bosnia, price varies up to 200 % when crossing on different crossings.
You're good as long as shit doesn't hit the fan or being stopped by police that is really determined to do their job.

Reason above is why we're going to offer separate valid policies for each of the countries in Balkans and Turkey also which are all aligned with their country regulator.

Balkans and Turkey are not South America, but riding anywhere without insurance or with fake one is not considered (in my view) a smart move.

In Turkey in the last 10 years there were more than $ 2,5 bn USD losses generated through green card policy coverage, big chunk of which were scams.

Just one link from 2016

Turkey: Motor 3rd-party liability insurance reforms passed to curb costs and premiums


kiwiwannafly 8 Oct 2019 18:11

Insurance at Turkey border
Any current updates as to costs for motorcycle insurance at the border entering Turkey from Greece?

Similarly Turkey to Iraq and Iraq to Saudi Arabia?

Cheers on the heads up re: fake policies Dooby. Saving $=good, spending time in jail=bad.

kappe 10 May 2022 08:53

08/May/2022 Update

My GF and I are travelling with 2 UK plated motorbikes and our UK insurance is not giving green cards.

Attempt #1 Border crossing from Greece to Turkey at Edirne: They had no idea and requested a green card, no way to buy insurance there, we turned back and headed to the much bigger border of Ipsala.

Attempt #2: Ipsala border, just before the first Turkish passport check head inside the building on the left and you'll find an office with a big UMAT sign, open even on Sunday. 13 euros per motorcycle and you have a 3 months insurance with the international company Groupama.

Much better than expected.

ostrich 14 Jun 2022 14:43

Update from 8 June 2022 - crossing from Bulgaria to Turkey
We crossed into Turkey with our 2 UK registered bikes at the Malko Tarnovo crossing on 8 June 2022 - it's the one nearest the Black Sea. All went smoothly. Firstly check out of Bulgaria - took moments (zero queue at 11am on Weds morning). Then ride 200m up the road to the Turkish border post. Everyone was very friendly here. There are 2 windows on your left hand side. Window 1 will stamp your passport into Turkey. Window 2 is 5m further on and is Customs. Customs want to see your passport, V5 (vehicle identification document) and Turkish motor insurance. As our UK green card insurance finished at the perimeter of the EU, we needed to buy Turkish motor insurance. If you tell the people at the Customs window that you need Turkish insurance, they will point you to a small kiosk on the other (northbound) side of the road. It's marked "Sigorta" and/or "Green card". The price was €50 per bike, giving us 90 days in Turkey. I got the impression that a shorter period would cost the same. Once you take your insurance back to Window 2, you're good to go. There is one further barrier, 500m further on. This is a double check that your passport and vehicle documents have been processed. The guard wanted to see passport and V5 before lifting the barrier. Next stop Istanbul!

hugues 23 Jun 2022 08:34

Very helpful, thanks.
We however are stuck at Cesme customs, where they have stopped issuing insurance on entry. Does anyone have a contact in Turkey to organise UK registered motorcycle insurance? Many thanks

ostrich 23 Jun 2022 09:37

There are lots of insurance shops with signage "Sigorta" in every Turkish town. I can see that there are several in Cesme Town, approx a 20min walk from the port. If it were me, I would ask Customs if you can leave your bike in no-mans land for an hour, then walk or taxi into town to one of the shops. They should be able to help you. You'll need your passport and V5. Good luck!

hugues 23 Jun 2022 16:52

Thank you. We finally managed to get insurance via a port employee as intermediary. We paid a few Euros extra but we are through. We also had fun trying to leave the port as ‘computer said no’ a few times between border police, customs and yet another lot of officials. All good as all part of the adventure. Thanks for your help.

mfranquesa 4 Jul 2022 11:07

Last september I crossed from Bulgary into Turkey. I went through the Malko Tarnovo border crossing, and truth is that nobody asked me for my insurance or green card. I had a green card issued by my insurance company in Andorra, but they forgot to ask me and let me through after checking only my passport. They were way more interested in whether I had a drone or not, and they even searched my panniers for one (I don't carry a drone with me).

Tomkat 28 Feb 2024 13:53

Another thread bounce, proves I've done a search anyway ;)

Will be crossing Kos-Bodrum in spring. Does anybody know if I can get insurance at the port, or if there is some way to do it online in advance? UK registered bike. Yes I know I can ride in overland but that's not what I want to do. Thanks!

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