Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Buenos Aires to Ushuaia - Feb 2010 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/buenos-aires-ushuaia-feb-2010-a-47634)

TorPedro 11 Jan 2010 20:15

Buenos Aires to Ushuaia - Feb 2010
Heading to Ushuaia early February. Anyone have suggestions on preferred route(s) and time allowance?

There doesn't seem to be a consensus on this from the various ride reports I've seen - some have done it in as little as 3.5 days and others twice that.

I'd like to spend some time at Punto Tombo, but other than that am not aware of any worthwhile stopping points along the way.


TorPedro 12 Jan 2010 17:45

heading south on the coast/interior (i.e. Ruta 3) - we'll be coming back up on the mountain side!

Michael 79 13 Jan 2010 00:32

Hey dude,

Punto Tombo is wild...many penquins. I'd say the moreno glacier, fitz roy area and the carreterra austral from Lago Argentino into Chile up to Chalten and into Argentina again is very awesome. Bariloche, Rute del Siete Lagos, and all of Ruta 40 are all awesome. I rode the reverse of that route in 2004. by contrast Ruta 3 is boring....except for those little penquins!

Good luck!


misencikjc 16 Jan 2010 17:46

Winter in Southern Argentina?
I'm in Argentina for other purposes than a motorcycle trip, but that is what this may shape up to be. However, I will not be starting for a few months.

My question: How far south is it reasonable to go during the Argentinian autumn/winter, say May or June?


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