Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Camino de Santiago.. (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/camino-de-santiago-101511)

Toyark 8 Dec 2020 15:16

Camino de Santiago..
for those hardy souls who are planning in walking it.
Albergues Winter opening times attached
Usual Caveat: do your own research or prepare to carry a tent! (or spend heaps in hotels)
.the clue is in bold...

backofbeyond 8 Dec 2020 16:42

I've never walked it but my brother in law cycled much of the northern Spanish part of it some years ago as a family venture - when their kids were in that narrow age band between being old enough to cope and before they left for uni etc. They thoroughly enjoyed it but as money wasn't an issue they did 'spend heaps in hotels' so the worthless penitent element of the exercise was cut to a minimum. They sent us a postcard from Santiago and that ticked off the Camino for me.

Tim Cullis 8 Dec 2020 17:27

file is password protected

and 'walking' is not it.

gbags 8 Dec 2020 19:00

I walked it about three years ago and it was a great experience.
Went alone, met a bloke on the plane out, couple more that night in the pension and pretty soon we had a group of ten that stayed together for thirty days until we reached Santiago.
We still all chat on WhatsApp.

Toyark 8 Dec 2020 19:33


Originally Posted by Tim Cullis (Post 616206)
file is password protected

and 'walking' is not it.

Yes the file is locked to keep inquisitive minds busy :0) in these dark days.
The clue is not the answer but it can... lead to it.
Neuron teasing time boys and girls!:Beach:


Originally Posted by backofbeyond (Post 616202)
I've never walked it -
and that ticked off the Camino for me.

Aow B.O.B , what a shame, you'll never understand what you missed until you go. Reconsider going maybe?
Some of lifes' treasures are 'hidden in plain site'. I am glad I went as the way taught me a great deal.
If you allow your mind to be receptive to new lessons, it can be a real eye opener.

Toyark 9 Dec 2020 10:27

and when someone does figure it out...
Please be :cool2: and don't spoil it by posting the answer, thanks

Now then...
Anyone worked it out yet?:smiliex: answers by pm please.!

Toyark 18 Dec 2020 08:50

Bumpety bump!
No budding Alan Turings' here?
it really is not that hard! :mchappy:

If curiosity killed the cat... we're soon going to be overrun with moggies here!

markharf 18 Dec 2020 17:24

It seems likely that you'll have to decide whether your goal is to 1) provide information, or 2) offer a puzzle to be solved. If the former, remove the password protection. If the latter, it's possible you're in the wrong forum.

Just my personal opinion, as one who's interested in the information but not in the least tempted to try and solve your puzzle.


motoreiter 19 Dec 2020 06:04


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 616394)
It seems likely that you'll have to decide whether your goal is to 1) provide information, or 2) offer a puzzle to be solved. If the former, remove the password protection. If the latter, it's possible you're in the wrong forum.

Indeed. Actually anyone who wanted the information could probably find it quicker with a google search than fiddling around trying to guess a password.

In any event, I wouldn't recommend doing the Camino in the winter; parts of it are through the mountains and I can't imagine it would be very fun in winter. I would also not do it in summer; not only is it hot as hell, but it is much more crowded, the albergues are full, and people race ahead to get a spot before they fill up. Plus there is apparently a big party crowd. No thanks. I did the Camino in the fall of 2015 and found it to be a great experience, but I would definitely stick with fall or spring.

Toyark 19 Dec 2020 09:33


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 616394)
Just my personal opinion, as one who's interested in the information but not in the least tempted to try and solve your puzzle.

I respect your opinion Mark but I do not understand why you bothered to reply, particularly in view of your comment above which speaks volumes!

As I have said before in post #5, this was a brain teaser to while away some time. As it seems to have attracted a mild discontent from an extremely few, the best thing is for me to remove it. Do feel free to delete the entire thread.

Motoreiter is bang on- The winter closure of the crest route is a legal ordinance due to the number of rescues which have taken place. This applies both to the GR65 to Roncesvalles and the GR12 through Ibaneta pass- you have to go through Valcarlos. The closure is usually from Nov 1st to March 32st

markharf 19 Dec 2020 18:18


Originally Posted by Toyark (Post 616416)
I respect your opinion Mark but I do not understand why you bothered to reply...

I replied because you seemed puzzled by the absence of attempts.


Originally Posted by Toyark (Post 616416)
Do feel free to delete the entire thread.

I see no reason to delete anything, and apologize if it sounded like I did. I was merely offering information which might or might not have been welcome.



Jay_Benson 19 Dec 2020 20:52

For some reason the original link seems to have disappeared. Anyway below are a few links covering a winter Camino.

A guide to a winter Camino

Albergues in winter - a list

Tips for a winter Camino

A forum about the Camino - this section is about winter Caminos

Anyway, I hope helps people that are interested.

Grant Johnson 20 Dec 2020 19:18

Toyark, please put the link back in!
thanks - some people are thinking and pondering - a new clue would help!

Toyark 22 Dec 2020 11:54

There you go
and as for another clue- tricky one due to the simplicity of the password
(and I do not say this because I chose it- it really is...)
But a clue you would like and neurons need feeding so a clue you get! :smiliex:

The journey is not an adventure nor a journey
Only you knows why
...and what you will become when you begin.

Jay_Benson 23 Dec 2020 09:52

Riddles are always easy if you know the answer - for people that need to know the information when out walking this is not a particularly helpful thread perhaps you may consider removing the password or stating what it is.

Toyark 23 Dec 2020 09:59

It seems that the original idea of a fun little brain teaser to pass a little time has gone right out of the window. How disappointing.
j.benson : As you previously were so keen to put up links, perhaps you could put just one more up which will contain the information?

Rognv 23 Dec 2020 17:40

Two possibilities: no one is guessing or those who are guessing don´t reply. In the case no one who is guessing replies, Toyark can´t know wether the original idea works or not. Well, I have been guessing but with the clues provided I can´t get to the password.

Two wheels good 23 Dec 2020 20:16

Thought I was sure to have the answer, a simple translation of the clue or an answer to riddle . (I see only one link.) Nope!
It better not be mixed case!

Jay_Benson 23 Dec 2020 20:50


Originally Posted by Toyark (Post 616487)
It seems that the original idea of a fun little brain teaser to pass a little time has gone right out of the window. How disappointing.
j.benson : As you previously were so keen to put up links, perhaps you could put just one more up which will contain the information?


Originally Posted by Jay_Benson (Post 616419)

Albergues in winter - a list

Gosh, there is a list of Albergues in Winter for 2020/21. This is a web page that is maintained so is less likely to become out of date than a PDF.

For those that want a riddle - here is a fun page - https://www.getriddles.com/riddles-for-adults/

Toyark 24 Dec 2020 12:04

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year everyone- Have fun- even the Bah Humbugs!
Case closed !

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