Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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futronix 23 Oct 2003 05:08

camping in france and italy.
hi folks, i am riding from london to india in may 04 and am planning on camping in france and italy as much as possible...
i plan to take as many back roads as i can and am wondering how easy it is to sneak a few nights sleaping in my tent,
thanks people..phil.

beddhist 23 Oct 2003 14:03

Ask a farmer whether you may camp in his paddock. That way you're safe (at least from cops, if not from cows) and you may get to meet some nice people in the bargain.

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,

Jenny & Peter.

StevieG 26 Nov 2003 23:13

Hi Futronix!

Which route are you taking through to India?
I'm in the very early stages of planning the same trip, but am concerned about getting through Pakistan and Iran given current fco advice.
Any other advice would be appreciated!...

Oh, was going to mention that there are campsites everywhere in France - I never had a problem finding one, even well into the evening off the beaten track.

Cheers, Steve

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