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-   -   Camping places in new mex' to cal' etc. (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/camping-places-new-mex-cal-1651)

mart 19 Aug 2001 02:34

Camping places in new mex' to cal' etc.
I am riding from Florida out west and hope to be leaving aroung the beginning of september. As I will be camping everywhere and am on the thinnest of shoestrings I wondered if anyone can suggest from experience any nice/decent campsites or camping areas(I DON'T care if there are little or NO facilities) either free or no more then 5 bucks a night.I dont have the money to shell out 10 dollars or more just to pitch a tent to sleep one night. I am hoping to spend time in the following states- New Mex,Ariz, Utah Nev,Utah,Cal, Oregon and Wash. I do have a book with all national forest sites in etc. but some suggestions from people who have stayed on any such places I descibed would be a great help. I am on an unlimited time frame. i.e.- however long I can last on 1000 dollars for everything, gas,camping, food etc!!!! Thanks. enjoy the road!

[This message has been edited by mart (edited 18 August 2001).]

t0by 21 Aug 2001 09:08

National Park campground's are often free if they're considered 'primitive', which also means free of rv's and the like. They're your best bet in most states.

You might have to hike in a mile or two, so you'll need a cover for the bike. I left my bike (it wasn't exactly a bmw) at trailheads all over the northwest, and no hassles.

Arizona's great. State law allows you to camp anywhere, for free, if you're at least a (??) few miles from main roads and rivers/lakes. Seeing as it's mostly desert, you can find a good spot easily.

California's not so easy, but if you arrive late and get up early, you can often 'forget to pay'. I got woken up open summer morning by a pot smoking, guitar playing park ranger who forgot all about the 13$ after a good cup of coffee.

Happy travels.

mart 21 Aug 2001 22:11

Thanks t0by, all input is welcome. The book I have is "guide to free campgrounds" by Don Wright. It lists thousands of sites in all the states which are free. As yet I have to see how accurate it is but it should be a big help. The only thing what gets me is the way RV sites are put in the same arena as "camping". Thats not camping! I did a trip across the states 10 years ago with my brother and we'd follow a "camping" sign only to find when we got to the place it was just for bloody RV's!!!! Man that pisses me off.

Susan Johnson 18 Sep 2001 11:26

Hi Mart

Also check out the following links:

Motorcycle Friendly Campgrounds

There are campsites listed for California, Colorado and Washington State.

Tenting Plus of the Northwest - Camping Hostles, Budget Accommodations. Covers Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, BC and Alberta.

Specifically listed as 'motorcycle friendly' campgrounds or B&Bs:

Oak Knoll Campground, Palomar Mountain, California

John Dougherty House, Mendocino, California

Hope this helps. Ride safely.

Susan Johnson
Share the Dream at <A HREF="http://www.HorizonsUnlimited.com/index.shtml" TARGET=_blank>www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

mart 20 Sep 2001 09:00

Thanks Susan, just in time! I will check those out. I leave this Sunday or monday and my shoestring has got even thinner ha. Hope it doesn't get too thin and snap!
I will post any good results when I get chance to venture near a city/town with a public library so I can use a computer once in a while.

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