Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   can you get into South Africa with a one-way ticket? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/can-you-get-into-south-30544)

Todd & Christina 10 Nov 2007 22:20

can you get into South Africa with a one-way ticket?
howdy....we're going to be flying from Seattle into Caope Town in Feb., then heading north so don't really require return ticket. Is it mandatory to have a return ticket (it was in 1998) or can you get through with a one-way ticket...?


hook 11 Nov 2007 09:03

I flew from Buenos Aires to Capetown last year. When I got to the airport in BA, the airline I flew with required an onward ticket. Of course I only had a one way ticket in my hand! I showed them my carnet and explained the situation. In the end, I went to an internet cafe and bought a cheap ticket (expedia) from Joberg to Windhoek I think. I printed out the ticket and then canceled my reservation. That did the trick. Good luck you two. H.

kiwiron 7 Dec 2007 08:17

rtn ticket
Hi folks just looked into the same thing myself,from nz to sth africa.The embassy told me i need a return or onward ticket unless i had sth african citizenship or residency status.The other thing you can do is one way but you haveto leave a bond of aussie dollars $1500 that is refundable when you leave sth africa called a repatriation bond.Also some airlines won't issue a one way,see ya ron.:cool4:

uk_vette 11 Dec 2007 20:27

You will need a return or an outward bound ticket, to get past immigration when you land in S.A.

Simple flight to neighbouring country will do.
Just like the previous post essentially.

Unless you have perm. res. there which you probably don't have.

Frank Warner 11 Dec 2007 22:49

I rang the South African embassy here in Australia .. they said
if I had a motorcycle and was leaving overland that it would be fine .. provided I had the money and could prove that was what I was going to do .. I think the vacination card would help :) full of stamps for things I don't want to get.. and the luggage with motorcyle boots/gloves etc .. and the camping gear .. and the maps, notes, gps etc etc .. carnet if bring the bike over too..

People must be able to do it .. people book on those 4WD safari things leaving from SA, and others go overland via graound transport too .. I think it is a question of proving your not going to be a problem to them - ie your not going to have to be deported..

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