Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Route Planning (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/)
-   -   Chihuahua Mexico to Mexico City - Spring Break (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/chihuahua-mexico-mexico-city-spring-33723)

Priss 12 Mar 2008 02:47

Chihuahua Mexico to Mexico City - Spring Break
Hi all, I'm planning on buying a motorcycle, taking a course on how to ride one, then driving to Mexico City, and possibly to Cancun, leaving this weekend for Spring Break. Any comments would be appreciated.

garrydymond 12 Mar 2008 03:36

It's A Long Way
I have ridden to Chihuahua and back twice for the HU meeting in Creel. If you take the "libres" it will take you at least 2 full days. I rode from Chihuahua to Zacatecas which is around 900kms and then from there to Mexico City which is another 600kms. If you haven't ridden before I would recomend taking longer and seeing some sights. Don't ride at night and stop often to rehydrate and stretch your legs, eat, go to the bathroom etc. What type of a bike will you be riding? Do you only have a week? Why not ride around Chihuahua first, which has some beautiful roads and scenery, and leave the longer trip for later?
I normally offer to put up travellers in mex City but we will be on vacation.
Good luck and welcome to a new world on 2 wheels- there is nothing like it.

michelbuyckx 14 Mar 2008 16:20


Do not drive through Mexico, and surely not through the cities, if you are just a beginning biker. My advise, after 20.000 miles Mexico on a bike.

good luck

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