Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Chile's situation/roads at the moment? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/chiles-situation-roads-at-moment-49197)

Cruz 23 Mar 2010 22:42

Chile's situation/roads at the moment?
Just trying to sort out itinerary from Mendoza northwards. How is the situation in Chile at the moment? Last week's paper said no electricity for 90% of the country.

Thinking of crossing into Santiago or a bit further north La Serena. Roads, bridges, fuel ok?

Perhaps it is a bit unwise for tourists at the moment to be in Chile? (otherwise, very happy to give a hand)


Zigeuner53 3 Apr 2010 14:42

I'm in Santiago...sorting out a few things. Most of Chile, from all reports is just fine. No power out here or north, I guess judt avoid the affected areas around Concepcion....
Life seems normal, malls are full, business as usual as far as I can tell.

HanH 18 Apr 2010 16:44

I don't know if it's any help to you but maybe others reading this.

My girlfriend lives in Concepcion and the situation seems to be fine. No more troublesome news about looting. Electricity, internet and everything is functioning.. just a few aftershoks now and then that send all foreigners out on the streets. The main highway, ruta 5, is mostly opened to traffic... the Santiago-Concepcion leg shouldn't be much of a problem.

HanH 18 Apr 2010 20:12

I just asked about it and the main obstuction from Santiago southward is between Curico and Talca but a good 'detour' has been set up.

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